I was having a great weekend on board my CT41 "Dawn Treader" when I noticed the
water pressure
pump was running more than normal. I filled the
tanks thinking that they must be low and following the fill-up my
pump began to cycle on and off about every 30 seconds and hot
water started showing up in the
bilge. I began tracing all of my hot lines to find the water
heater tucked back under the
cockpit deck on the port side of the mizzen
mast was leaking big time. Quite a bit of rust on the bottom of the tank and copious amounts of steaming water lead me to believe that the old unit had failed. Probably seeping for some time. Those of you who have the same arrangement will know that access is quite limited for replacement. I have a second tank also on the port side forward of the
stove under the counter in the
galley but it never worked and had a tag on it indicating it was abandoned some years ago. Advise from the CF community regarding R&R of either of these
tanks is appreciated in advance.
Many thanks,
Found at Sea