Sunday morning Phil Bolger shot himself in the
head. Here is the full story I lifted from the
Trailer Sailer site. This bothers and sadddens me a lot.
I can't say Phil and I were friends but we had chatted numerous times over the years and I always liked him and I loved his design
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"The saddest of news
"In the early morning hours of Sunday May 24th 2009 Philip Cunningham Bolger of 66 Atlantic Street, Gloucester,
Massachusetts took his own life, out of his own free will, shooting himself in the
head with his Colt 45. I awoke later to his absence and found his body on our property out of public sight. The matter is under routine investigate by the
Massachusetts State Police and Gloucester Police Department."
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[Edit: The above is the opening of a long post composed and posted to the "bolger: Phil Bolger's Boats" group at Yahoo Groups by Susanne Altenburger.]
To read the statement in its entirety, go to: