I currently live in the Bay Area, and am possibly going to buy a Pacific Seacraft 34 to sail From San Francisco to Hawaii to Alaska, and back to San Francisco. I know Pacific Seacrafts are seaworthy, but I do not know anything about the systems. Also, what potential problems do you see with this boat.
I bought a Pacific Seacraft 34 last year. They are great solid boats! The majority of systems on my boat have been replaced or upgraded over the years since new in 1992. New sails, new rigging, new electronics, new engine 2017, AGMbatteries, solar panels, etc. How are systems on the boat you are looking at? Better get a survey.
Find a way to heat the boat in Alaska, you'll need it. PSC's are one of the better built boats out there. Wouldn't be worried about the boat if it's been well maintained. Stuff happens on a boat so be prepared to fix things that break. Look for a good surveryor, be there when the boat is surveyed, and discuss the boat and their findings with the surveyor.
Peter O.
'Ae'a, Pearson 35
'Ms American Pie', Sabre 28 Mark II