I was wondering if anyone knows of any monohull sailboat with an outrigger? It seems to me that this would significantly increase stability on smaller boats. I have a 21' McGregor that is as light as a cork.
Hmm, I had a 21' Venture McGregor. I never considered that it needed an outrigger. I often sailed it much harder than I probably should have. Is it the heeling that makes you consider an outrigger?
Just curious.
The use of an outrigger to provide righting moment to windward is an important characteristic of this design. It significantly increases loads on the rig. The design has an interesting fact for sailboats: there is no 'port' and 'starboard', but windward and leeward sides. This also means the hull should be a balanced double ender.
Your boat is designed to be light as a cork. The rigging, scantlings, and hardware are all sized to deal with the amount of righting moment your boat develops. If you make the boat stiffer, by carrying too much load or adding an outrigger or any other techniques, you may end up straining some of the other gear and possibly breaking things. IIRC, that's even part of the reason for why the foam block flotation was installed the way it was - it's too annoyingly difficult to remove it all, which keeps owners from putting weight in the ends where it would stress the hull and rigging.
It's also why the boat is as exciting to sail as it is. Live within the limitations of the design, or move to a boat which is more suitable for your sailing interests.
On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog anchored in a coral atoll.