Background: Over the last two years or so, I've noticed my
Yanmar 3GM30F
engine does not get up to cruising revs as it had in the past. At around 2,300
RPM, I start getting brownish smoke and can't get the
engine to go above 2,500
RPM. No smoke at 2,100 RPM. This problem has been gradually getting worse. My first thought was the mixing
elbow. I have already changed all the filters, painted the bottom and the prop is clean. The engine starts cold on the first crank in idle RPM and has normal
water flow and clean
fuel and air.
I took off the
exhaust manifold to change the mixing
elbow. The engine has 2,600 hours on it and had the original mixing elbow (yes, long overdue). I found an oily black sludge deposit in the
exhaust manifold and elbow (photo). Not completely blocked, but restricted. I was expecting a hard, dry carbon buildup, not an oily tar. I sent the manifold to the local
Yanmar shop to be cleaned and will reinstall it with the new elbow next week.
I asked the Yanmar guy if this buildup was enough to restrict the exhaust exit and reduce revs. He said it could be, but suggested that perhaps I had an injector that wasn’t spraying properly.
Is this oily black deposit normal over time? Could the oily aspect be from the unburnt
fuel accumulating from the gradually restricting elbow? Should I look for another cause? Could it be a faulty injector?
Thanks in advance!