Having been through the Great
Beaufort Oil Spill of 2016, here are my thoughts.
1. The longer it sits in oil, the worse it gets.
2. The longer the oil is on the hull, the worse it gets.
3. You can, depending on viscosity/wax condition, get most off above the waterline by prompt cleaning while the boat is in the water. Any severe cleaners, the Coast Guard will likely stop you.
4. You need to
haul out to get the
bottom paint repaired. This can range from vacuum
sanding to soda blasting to get damaged paint off. It will go down about 12".
5. While hauled out, remove oil stains from topsides. Good luck on green cleaners. The yard ended up using lacquer thinner on my boat, with immediate
washing, waxing etc. Excellent results btw.
6. You might need to get the boot stripe repainted.
7. If you want reimbursement, you are about to find out a lot about the Oil Pollution Act of 1990