Well, we officially took
delivery of our new (to us)
boat yesterday. It's an '84 Aloha 32.
Survey showed her to be in overall good shape, but (like all boats) it still needs a few things. I believe the original owners had twins and afterwards didn't have the time to really care for the
boat. Fortunately, she only sat for about a year, and I think he was still able to come down and give her a bath on occasion.
She seems to be pretty well outfitted for a 32' boat.
Autopilot, chart plotter,
radar, forced air
heater, Full
cockpit enclosure, lectrasan, new
water heater, 4
batteries (3 g31, 1 g27), and lots of spares and tools.
We brought her to her new home yesterday, so we learned a few things on the way that we need to check out (Think I'll make separate posts for specific questions though). We had good
wind for a while (though in the wrong direction), so we got to actually sail for quite a while. Ended up motoring part of the way back just so we could get back before it got too late. Even with the motoring it was still dark when we got back. I think I have mixed feelings about the full enclosure. It's definitely nice to be out of the
weather (it rained on us most of the way back), but when trying to sail all the
canvas just gets in the way. The
winch handles don't clear it in spots and you can't see the sails! Still, it'll keep my wife warm and happy, and that is definitely worth the inconvenience.
Already have quite the list of wants, but I think needs are going to keep me busy for a little bit.
Anyway, this is her yachtworld listing if anyone would like to see some pictures
1984 Aloha 32 Sail Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com
We'll get our own pictures once we have time, but for now the listing is all I have.