I am looking to
purchase my first sailboat to travel. My wife and I have a plan to sell our company eventually or at least our assets. We would like to travel the
ICW to get our feet wet for awhile, not sure how long we will linger before spreading our
sails to further places. We ultimately want to travel to the
Bahamas, well you get the drift of the places we would like to end up for awhile.
My question is as most have had the same, what is the perfect size of
boat to make these travels while
living aboard? I like room and not cramped spaces while at sea and at
anchor. We had looked at a 32-foot vessel but I am still not sure if this is large enough. I was thinking of at least 42-foot.
My second question is of one travels on a 45-foot vessel what (if any) would be the disadvantages?
If someone wanted to circumnavigate what size vessel would this require?
I have watched Deadliest Catch before.....lol