Thanks for the info, I am not really worried about the speed loss, I am looking more for stability and the ability to make sae
passage. I found out today that it is a little outfitted more then i had originally thought, she has
solar /
wind already and
self steering vane, hard packed life raft (4 person) and they are also including ground tackle
cqr 200ft chain and bruce 100 ft chain and 150
rode. Needless to say this was nice info, basically she will need a
refit so to speak of
interior cleaning and
repairs, modifying her more to keep the family in a comfort zone during the passages.
I just did 1o days with the family and spent 8 of the 10 on the hook. All responded well and enjoyed the time to actually get to know one another again. My
kids are 11 and 13 so they are in that leave me alone phase. Hopinf to begin the cruise to
bahamas in fall of next year, as is the reason for the upsizing.
Watermaker is a must so I either buy or it is already there.
Out of curiosity do you that do passage's have back up
GPS plotters or hand helds, as redundency. I have a
garmin 441s as main and my explore150 handheld as backup. Some input on how much redundency would be appreciated.