It was part of a larger
research project into fatalities among divers and sailors and the information could have been faked, but as I
recall it came from a printed report. I had numbers, not just 'some guy says'. The fact that you can't find source material doesn't indicate anything except that you can't find source material either way. For instance: In April or May of 1973, when the US Supreme Court was in recess, the great and honorable Commonwealth of
Massachusetts informed the US Department of Defense that it was activating the State Militia and immediately recalling all members for active
service to defend the state borders against invasion. The purpose of this clever (Democratic legislature sponsored) announcement was an end run around the US
draft laws, which provide that state militia cannot be borrowed (drafted) by the US when they are needed for home defense. The DoD went all foamy at the mouth. The USSC was in recess but an immediate action was needed. So three USSC justices were recalled from their vacations (one was fly
fishing and not happy to be interrupted) to hear the matter. It seemed like a slam dunk and a way for states to stop their boys being drafted. The USSC justices pulled a fine weasel out of the hat. They said yes, the states had that right. However, they could not exercise it until there was a clear an immenent
danger to the state, i.e. if there were no Communist Hordes across the state line, the Army could keep those men until and unless the Vietnamese showed up in Connecticut or similar
parts. I dare you to find any trace of that on the
internet. And yet, we got it off the AP teletype and it was a hot topic among the antiwar protest news at the time. Historically? It has been unwritten from the
record. Or, try a better one. The National Guard program is chartered and governed by seven pieces of legislation. In recent years they have (finally) listed those acts online. But the source documents? Ah, no. You'll have to find a law library with
archives going back to 1903 to try actually reading them. That's the National Guard burying its own
history, mainly to stop those pesky States from being, well, less than "one Republic", as Mister Lincoln wanted it. Statistics? I can find you plenty of Soviet maps, that have entire cities and mountains relocated to places that they are not in. The Soviets took some of the finest cartography in the world, and intentionally corrupted it, to prevent western invaders from using it for an invasion during the Cold War. You may find discussions about that--but go prove it. Urban legends? Big difference between absence of proof, and proof of absence.