Even in good condition for it's age, the boat is not worth 30K.
I just went through this with my 1976
Allied Mistress 39
The age is the killer. banks wont finance it and that leaves you with cash customers which immediately eliminates 98% of the
buying market looking at that age and
price range.
Also bringing the
price down is the abundance of boats
for sale that are much newer than 1977 for only a few dollars more and they can finance those.
You will have to have a cult following to sell a Wright/Allied because those people know the real value, not in dollars, of a Wright/Allied. So, the buyer has the upper hand, not the seller. There is such a group in groups.yahoo.com. It's an
Allied group. I cant seem to pull them up right now so I cant give you the exact web address. Just look in Yahoo Groups.\
If the boat is in really good condition, they are great sailing boats and you wont be sorry.
Good luck in your quest.