The Bristol is a center board boat, not a swing
keel. The board does virtually nothing for righting moment and is there to give increased
lift going to
weather. Boat will sail just fine without the center board though will have more leeway than a deeper
keel boat going to
weather. Not enough to make a difference except to the anal
racer types. Off the
wind, the boat will sail faster not having to drag around the extra
depth of the keel. Have owned two
centerboard boats and used the boards very sparingly. Then mostly because it was there, figured I might as well drop it.
The boards are pretty reliable and
maintenance is minimal. If you do damage the board, they are quite expensive to buy new. Seem to remember a new board for my
Pearson 35 is something around $3,500 plus
shipping from the Right Coast. Since it sees so little use, would probably remove it and glass in the well if it should ever become unrepairably damaged.