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Old 21-07-2020, 06:09   #1
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Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

I was wondering the other day about what I like about being on a it the SAILING I mean, the act of sailing OR is it the idea and possibility of adventure and the changing views and the challenges it presents?
For me its the adventure and the idea of being able to just go..the sailboat is simply the means by which i can do that.
what is it for you? is it the act of sailing or the adventure? are they mutually exclusive?
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Old 21-07-2020, 06:17   #2
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

I originally came up with this "game plan" in late 2008 in response to the financial crisis, a way to live smaller. A sailboat just seemed a good platform to do that on. I've always loved the water (lived on the beach, scuba diving etc).

I did a week liveaboard sailing course in La Paz, MX in 2014. Found that I enjoyed sailing.

I'm living on a mooring in Key West now. I've found that I enjoy the quiet that living away from land provides. Knowing that I can just untie the lines and sail away is the biggest stress relief I've ever known.

Even before living on a sailboat I normally only stayed in a house for 3 - 5 years before moving, across town or to another country didn't matter. I just got to move.
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Old 21-07-2020, 06:20   #3
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

Originally Posted by dwedeking2 View Post
I originally came up with this "game plan" in late 2008 in response to the financial crisis, a way to live smaller. A sailboat just seemed a good platform to do that on. I've always loved the water (lived on the beach, scuba diving etc).

I did a week liveaboard sailing course in La Paz, MX in 2014. Found that I enjoyed sailing.

I'm living on a mooring in Key West now. I've found that I enjoy the quiet that living away from land provides. Knowing that I can just untie the lines and sail away is the biggest stress relief I've ever known.

Even before living on a sailboat I normally only stayed in a house for 3 - 5 years before moving, across town or to another country didn't matter. I just got to move. the ability and possibility that being on a boat you go out sailing for an afternoon? just to sail?
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Old 21-07-2020, 06:42   #4
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

Couldn't care less about sailing. Once I'm somewhere. Say a an anchorage or marina, I never just pop out for a sail. It's just not that interesting and a bunch of work. If I had a motorboat then maybe. Maybe once electric is more viable for long range cruising, that would be my go to.

I like living on the boat. I like the isolation you can have, the independence, and ability to move around.

IMO overland travel (my preference is a motorcycle) is much more encompassing, adventurous, and allows you see and meet more of the country and it's people). My boat is my home that I just happen to have moved single-handed part way around the world. I like the comfort of being able to lie down whilst travelling, and having showers, and my belongings and good provisions. Something that it's easy on overland travel.

That being said, when anchored in a nice secluded area, or on a long passes over night in flat water. I do find it pretty cool.

Another thing is the community. I've said this a lot, and there are many helpful sailors, but there are just as many that will think they are somehow superior, or that sailing is some special thing and that you have to pay your dues. It all seems a bit stuck in past to me.
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Old 21-07-2020, 06:48   #5
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

Never Stop Traveling. That is why I do it.
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Old 21-07-2020, 06:52   #6
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

I'm in the process of doing a major refit (basically rebuilding the boat) so don't do much day sailing. I also work full time.

When I moved from Jacksonville to the Keys I stopped at Rodriguez Key on the way down and stayed for a week. Then just day sails stopping wherever that put me on the keys and stayed for a week or so at each stop. I totally enjoyed that pace and can see doing that full time when I get done with the refit.

One advantage I found, as someone that likes to move a lot, I no longer have to pack up to move
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Old 21-07-2020, 06:54   #7
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

I've always been fascinated by how many "games" we can chose.
  • marina hopping
  • adventure cruising
  • beer can racing
  • distance racing
  • project boat
  • tweaking
  • Fishing and hanging out
And each of these scratch a different group of itches in an 4-dimension space described by the interaction of movement, curiosity, and achievement, within a range from mild to extreme. Day sailing on simple boats is pure movement, the intensity defined by the class and the weather. Pure achievement might be the biggest dock queen (no sailing is actually involved). Exploration feeds curiosity, whether a mild form of gunk holing or sailing to the far reaches. Cruising combines all of these, the balance determined by the sailor.

Me? My answer would depend on when you asked me, as I have played many of these games, and love them all (except dock queen). That is also why I have owned a wide range of boats.
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Old 21-07-2020, 07:03   #8
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

Originally Posted by LauraleeG View Post
I was wondering the other day about what I like about being on a it the SAILING I mean, the act of sailing OR is it the idea and possibility of adventure and the changing views and the challenges it presents?
For me its the adventure and the idea of being able to just go..the sailboat is simply the means by which i can do that.
what is it for you? is it the act of sailing or the adventure? are they mutually exclusive?
You have basically described the difference between "sailor" and "cruiser".

For some it may overlap but most are predominantly in one category or the other.
- Sure a cruiser might enjoy the occasional day where conditions are perfect for sailing but they aren't going to tack up a narrow channel just for the challenge.
- Likewise a sailor might enjoy seeing new destinations but they would rather head out to the open ocean and sail rather than wind their way thru the scenery of the backwaters of the ICW.
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Old 21-07-2020, 07:49   #9
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

As we (my partner and I) were moving into the cruising life we conciously discussed what we both wanted to achieve. Not the little achievements like where to go and what to see, but the big things. This is how we came up with out little acronym: CLAFC

Creativity, Learning, Adventure, Freedom & Cessation.

Each of these terms expresses a world of ideas that are important for how me and my partner choose to live. We live with these ideas whether we are off wilderness sailing, or living on land.

Creativity is a life-giving view of the world. For me it means seeking new ways of doing things, and simply enjoying the aesthetic of the here and now.

Learning … never stop learning. Living off the prescribed path is a great way to foster this.

Adventure comes in all forms, be it the big sail, or the small walk. I will never shatter records, discover new things, or challenge the gods of nature in any way, but I do enjoy poking into that unknown cove, or trying that weird looking vegetable.

Freedom drives much of what we do. To me freedom is the ability to do what I want, when I want. It’s an ideal which is never full reached, but I can do some things to go toward the Form of Freedom. For me (and not necessarily for anyone else):
  • I avoid debt (b/c this is one of the ways our society keeps people chained to the treadmill).
  • Keep mechanical & electrical systems simple (b/c I’m not much of handyman).
  • And live inexpensively, (b/c I’m kinda lazy and don’t like wage work).
Cessation is my active way of ceasing to be part of the problem. From over-consumption to financial greed, my society does great harm to the planet we all call home. I don’t have the energy to try and save the world, but I can stop being part of the problem (at least to some degree).

You'll notice that sailing is no where in there. Although I like sailing, it's definitely not the reason we're "doing it."
Why go fast, when you can go slow.
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Old 21-07-2020, 07:52   #10
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

Originally Posted by LauraleeG View Post
I was wondering the other day about what I like about being on a it the SAILING I mean, the act of sailing OR is it the idea and possibility of adventure and the changing views and the challenges it presents?
For me its the adventure and the idea of being able to just go..the sailboat is simply the means by which i can do that.
what is it for you? is it the act of sailing or the adventure? are they mutually exclusive?

Very little adventure these days
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Old 21-07-2020, 08:14   #11
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

I like both. Sailing, when wind and weather are right seems magical to me; and being able to explore drives me, and to anchor, BBQ in my moving house is sweet.
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Old 21-07-2020, 08:51   #12
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

I enjoy sailing, and love to go out for a day sail. However we live on a cruising sailboat, so day sailing our house is a little more effort. I am contemplating getting a dingy to play with in Anchorage.
The reason we live on a cruising sailboat is for the adventure. Traveling to new locations definately adds adventure to life. Both in the journey and the destination.
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Old 21-07-2020, 09:11   #13
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

For me, a part time coastal cruiser, it's the total change from my normal life.

I go from working a busy job in a city of millions in air conditioned offices, shops, and labs, living in an apartment or home with a/c, heat, shower etc to a small sailboat with an icebox and no a/c.

In 3-5 hours sailing, I'm anchored out in the boonies ..........with my books and computer on a hotspot?!

Okay, it's the Sun High I get and the roughing it (hot spot internet instead of ethernet cable) for a few days.

When you come back, it's fun to enjoy a real bath, fresh food, and A/C.

As far as the sailing, slow boat sailing is ........not real entertaining except when things or just right like sailing dead down wind in strong wind or sailing into the wind under 15 knots
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Old 21-07-2020, 09:58   #14
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

The great thing about cruising is that if you do not like your neighbours, or just want to move on,wait for a favourable wind, lift the hook and move on.
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Old 21-07-2020, 10:02   #15
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Re: Is it the Actual Sailing or the Adventure and Possibility?

For me its all about enjoying the people and cultures of countries. Sailing is the least of it. I like to stay as long as I can in most countries depending on their particular visa process. 11 years cruising Seattle to Australia. When you stay a while you get to know people and actually engage the culture.
Right now my big cruising question is how Covid 19 is going to effect cruising in general.
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