Thanks for the replies. Wish I could positively identify them because I am in
Oregon and the
boat is in the
Sea of Cortez. It's about a 26 hour drive down there which I don't want to do just to identify the hatch. A better course of action would have been to identify them before I left the
boat on the hard. I did look for a name, not intensely, but found nothing. If anyone can positively identify the hatch it would be very helpful.
If it helps, on the inside of the boat, the under side of the hatch has two black round knobs, about 1 1/2" in diameter on either side of the hatch with a
steel rod running through them that you can turn to lock down on the rod and hold the hatch in a specific degree of open and there are two handles on the underside that actually lock the hatch down, they are L shapes handles/locks.