I'll be sure and check it out. If your interested, I'm gonna link to a site describing a mans
circumnavigation in a Cascade. Interesting read. He did the whole trip on less than a thousand a month. This is my kinda guy. The more I read about the Cascade , the more impressed I am with it. On second thought, I think I'll start a thread on the article. A lot of peopleare looking for an in-expensive way to
cruise, and to me, Cascades'rock.
As for the
antenna, decided on a stainless one. Good 'ol me did a
Google search, and yepper, found a site where you could buy ones with appearance defects for around 25 bucks.
I figgered that appearance didn't count so much 40 feet up, and for the
price, I couldn't go far wrong.
Then , through my own mismanagement
, I wiped the site out of my bookmarks. I'll find it again and post it here for the crew. It was a surplus site as I remember. Lotsa inexpensive stuff like that.