07-06-2021, 01:23
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
yes, many thanks to The Mod Squad for keeping this ship afloat, and, in some instances, mutiny at bay!
i just love Hudson Force's comment about his experience as a moderator with Boatie... an example of how some of old salts can get a tad crusty...? 
and that's the thing, some folks here are personalities, are charismatic, are simply themselves... it is fantastic, yet it must also be a huge job being a mod, yes!
but the real deal is this: having real people voicing opinions and helping one another out and interacting as folks here have has been "my community" while i've waited for vaccines and for life to start up again, hopefully, eventually, onboard.
it does sound lame but it is true that being cooped up alone during repetitive lockdowns (over and over), walking about with a slip of paper with the time i left home written on it, not being able to go farther than one kilometre from my home... and then curfew (ah, it is 18h, you cannot go for an evening stroll!), not to mention how the the political atmosphere is turning here in frenchie-land... anyway, thank goodness for all these voices and, especially, the very familiar and reassuring voices of the mods.
the joke thread helps a lot (a whole lot, sometimes), but the folks who make this thing feel like human interaction that is civil really have made a difference in lots of ways this past year!
thanks guys! really do appreciate you!
“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
07-06-2021, 06:18
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
I have noticed that when there are new mods I get in more trouble and get more warnings.
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
07-06-2021, 08:40
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
I've since learned that the mods interact with each other outside the general public eye...
they are probably saying "...watch this sailorboy1 guy, he is trouble..."
07-06-2021, 08:55
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
Originally Posted by Uncle Bob
Nope, cute one in the middle.
Num Me Vexo?
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A house is but a boat so poorly built and so firmly run aground no one would think to try and refloat it.
07-06-2021, 10:31
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
I've been quiet of late on the forum due to medical responsibilities during the current world situation. However, I do read as much as I can and have been known to cut a thread when the comments get out of whack. I've even been known to cut a poster or 2 and send them on a sabbatical to adjust their CF membership attitude.
We are not different from anyone else. I've been reprimanded before joining the mods for non CF be nice participation. I deserved it. Others in the squad past and present also have had wings clipped for being a touch snarky.
However, All of us past and present, opinionated or not, have consented to a set of rules as decreed by long experience and the owner of the sites wishes, to keep a clean house. In honesty, we don't always agree with each other but we will go with the consensus unless we disagree entirely, and then we discuss it more.
I don't want to be paid. I like money and it's nice to have. Problem is that boating is a hobby of mine and I've learned a lot from this site and feel I can contribute in a sort of 'thank you' way by keeping the CF to a high standard of behaviour and tone in the written word.
I've noticed that everyone is an expert on a subject. I like to listen to everyone and then make my own decision and then listen some more. I don't like the suppression of free speech. I do like respect and a nice interchange of thoughts, and let the individual reader or participant choose what to take on board......... yes, a risk is taken if the advice is incorrect, yet that is the nature of life......... I deal with life and death decisions all the time.... but still allow free will for persons own decision and choice. I have to smile wryly at some of the altercations here that don't matter a jot in the long run.
We are mods to help in the main. If I have time, and others have time, talking about boats and matters of a wet nature is a pleasure.
Thanks for the kind words, and I will remember someone likes us when I'm told to go forth and multiply...
- Never test how deep the water is with both feet -
10% of conflicts are due to different opinions. 90% by the tone of voice.
Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
07-06-2021, 11:01
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
I had a complaint recently about one of the mods shutting down a thread recently and got a response from Ann Cate which was elegant and thoughtful as always. My point was that bad actors who throw politics into the issue are controlling what the rest of us can discuss by their behaviour. Ann's message will remain private but I have no intention of complaining again.
My thanks go to the moderators as well.
Never attribute to malice what can be explained away by stupidity.
07-06-2021, 14:48
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
I contribute as a thank you for the enjoyment I get each morning.
Yet I always wondered why some of the contributors who post almost daily don't spend the $15.00 a year. Its 4 cents a day.
Thanks to all the Mods and a special thanks to 99% of the posters.
Though I would spend another $15 to kick off the meanies quicker!
From the 1%ers I kind of expect to be corrected and find out that its not 4 cents but rather 4.something something in a mean spirited way, Like DUH Lee.
Best regards to team CF.
10-06-2021, 15:51

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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
11-06-2021, 08:23
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
Originally Posted by MicHughV
Commercialism is everywhere....we are inundated, nay suffocated, by someone trying to sell you something..it's reached insanity point now....with commercial spam calls now invading the cell phone industry besides TV....I rarely watch TV for any reason for the simple reason that TV is all about commercials these days....with any programming being the "filler"...it used to be the other way around.
Indeed. I feel the same. The problem is that most folks just don't want to pay what the content costs. And there ain't no free lunch. Some services allow you to pay and get no ads. WeatherUnderground a good example, which I happily pay for. What is infuriating is that sometimes even when you pay, the ads creep in. I am old enough to remember when cable TV first started - it was promoted as 'ad-free TV'. We all know how long that lasted. And now we are seeing that some of these paid broadcast portals (like, I think, Disney+) are going to start showing 'limited' ads. Yeah, right. And commercials in movie theaters.
"If you're not paying for it, you are the product". Even when you do pay for it, sometimes you are still the product. Dispiriting.
11-06-2021, 08:26
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...

You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
"It is better to die standing proud, than to live a lifetime on ones knees.."
Self Defence is no excuse for Genocide...
11-06-2021, 09:09
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
Originally Posted by MicHughV
1. Patience of Job.
2. Sense of humor.
3, Thick skin.
4. Extensive skill or knowledge in some or other sailing topic.
5. Willing to work long hours for free.
6. Good arbitrator.
7. Generally possess good people skills.
8. Willing and able to use the " delete" button.
9. Must be able to see both sides of an argument, yet remain neutral.
10. Must devote hours of time plowing thru' endless, often meaningless topics.
I don't know how y'all do it....who picks you ??? What motivates a mod to accept this long hour, no pay job.
Y'all have my undying respect and admirations.
Good job !!!
I'm not a mod here, but I am a mod on the FB catamaran sailing group, as well as a mod on the DVC Disney mouseowners board, and I've been on the internet since 1988. What motivates me is to give back to a source of information that I find helpful, and to nip drama in the bud before it ruins the happy place that I enjoy.
There are different flavors of moderators-some are punishers who enjoy singling out people and keep them in line, some are benign dictators who are fine as long as you don't draw their ire, and some are worker bees who like seeing things work well and try to stay as invisible as possible as a mod (although they may be flamboyant as posters).
I'm a flamboyant worker bee who just "ain't got time for that s" when it comes to people posting stuff that inevitably causes conflict. I just remove it, but I don't punish people. At some point, they look for other sources for succor and support of their particular teapot.
Passion should believe itself irresistible. It should forget civility and consideration and all the other curses of a refined nature. Above all, it should never ask for leave where there is a right of way. -E.M. Forster
11-06-2021, 15:27
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
I am very thankful for this resource tho I don't understand how to utilize it very well. Great job moderators. Many thanks
11-06-2021, 15:32
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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
I run a medium sized forum myself (non maritime subject matter) and when someone signs up for this, they are required to tick the box that says they have read the guidelines:
1) Keep your discussions polite, possibly amusing, and on topic. In short, act like you would at a good friend's dinner party. Arguing, rudeness, poor or negative behaviour will be dealt with at moderator's discretion as they see fit.
That's what the Mod Squad do here, I feel. As Dave (Sylphide) on TF has in his signature, "Be nice to each other!" What's the downside?
I add my sincere thanks to the moderators here, too.
11-06-2021, 15:54

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Re: Hats off to the moderators...
Originally Posted by Kit_L
That's what the Mod Squad do here, I feel. As Dave (Sylphide) on TF has in his signature, "Be nice to each other!" What's the downside?
I add my sincere thanks to the moderators here, too.
Site rules here are about the same... they are long but the basic charge is "Be nice, be appropriate"
The long version of the rules has evolved because it turns out that the "be nice" standard is subject to interpretation. What one person considers good fun, another considers a grave insult. For this reason the site has a litany of what's acceptable (or not) in those rules.
Unlike many boards CF is inhabited by posters from around the globe. Language and cultural differences sometimes lead to unintended dustups and the occasional deep dive into a bottle of spirits leads to temporary muck-ups. Posting While Wasted is a "thing" and we have seen some truly bizarre posts offered up in this state - often with protracted apologies the next day. One notable evening someone posted up a selfie of his.. ermm.. 'wedding tackle' along with a note that he was available. Be Nice AND Be Appropriate
11-06-2021, 16:14
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Hats off to the moderators...
But, but, wait a minute, isn’t it site rules NOT to talk about the moderators?
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