I have been looking in to a so called "bluewater cruiser" in
Mexico, namely the area of Sonora and this bomber of a yacht came up. Has anyone heard of and have any sailing
history, pro's-con's on the Sea Wolf 40'? It looks like a tough cruiser but how much is too tough; meaning too slow. I want a sailing vessel, not a motor-sailer, that can do a comfortable 5-7 knots when it should. It has a
full keel and is a
ketch rig roughly in the 30000 lb range with approximately 750 cu sailing area.
Any info would be much appreciated. If you feel so inclined what else should I be looking in to for a tough cruiser in the 35k to 50k range? I like the protection of a
full keel, low heel angle, not too tough to sail, does well to
weather and has a roomy
interior. Not too much too ask is it!?