i recently bought a garmin blue chart g2 data chip for bermuda to use with my 2017 Garmin echo mapCHIRP 70 series chartplotter. Well, after inserting the chip it is recognized and i attempt to view files but none are found. tried re-inserting the chip acouple of times with the same result. Has anyone else had this problem? and if so, figured out a work around or is the chip no good? thanks
Your plotter may need a software update even with newer plotters. Downloadable to SD for free from Garmin. If you try it and it does not work (on some older units) you may have to limit the size of the SD card to under 2G to get it to work. Power down the unit, plug the card in and turn it on, should auto run the update. If that does not work maybe it is a bootlegged copy as mentioned above.