21-02-2021, 09:23
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Really nice boat in its day. We raced many of these on the Great Lakes in 70’s, 80’s.
21-02-2021, 11:59
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
I am fond of Tartans, and would like to own one some day.
What I see is a well designed boat, but of a vintage that will make some(most maybe) say too old, poor use of space, etc.
Especially when there are comparable boats on the market, in your area (same broker) that are a lot newer and around the same price...
Like this one...
For a boat in the $20k range or less, you don’t really need a broker, and I think exposure on as many sites as possible is important. There is someone out there that would love to buy your boat...but it is not the mainstream crowd probably.
For me, a bit too old and I don’t care for the interior layout. I want wheel steering. I want refrigeration.
I bought a 1988 O’Day 322 for less than you are asking ($22,000) that has private V- and aft- berths, nice galley with stove/oven, refrigeration, a new Genoa, new chart plotter, etc.
She is no Tartan, but she is better equipped for day sailing and overnights I think.
Don’t get too hung up on your selling price and what you have in the boat either.
When I bought my O’Day 322, I knew the seller paid $25,000 for it a few years earlier, and he installed the chart plotter. But he wanted to sell and he took my first offer.
Good luck. It can be frustrating, but don’t look at it as you are taking a loss..Look at it as you have cut your operating costs (insurance, storage, upkeep).
21-02-2021, 18:14
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Every boat is a hand built work of art, even so called 'production' boats after the hull come out of the mould are a set of templates hanging on a nail of the workshop wall that have to be drawn around, cut out, and installed, materials and fitting cost a fortune, after so many hours of time and effort.
It seems every wannabe yachtsman wants to criticize "Ad nauseam” before offering 10 cents on the dollar like they are doing the boat builder a favour.
21-02-2021, 18:46
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Originally Posted by taoist
Would appreciate any advice from those who have sold boats. I have a Ted Hood designed 1969 Tartan 37 (Classic series) that I spent 10 yrs, refitting. This is a really nice looking boat with many new parts and a Westerbeke 35 with only 297 hrs. Decided 2 years ago to downsize and put it on the market with a reputable broker, listed at $24,900. I know that there is a limited market for older boats but I'm surprised and disappointed that it hasn't sold. It can be viewed at www.breweryacht.com/profile/dmckenney. Reverie Tartan 37.
Any ideas regarding change in game plan? Lower price, etc.
According to soldboats.com, $24,900 was what they sold for 10 years ago
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26-02-2021, 13:58
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
When I was in the market I "subscribed" to popyachts's ( https://www.popyachts.com/) listing services. I got listing emails from them most every other day. I thought it was good marketing.
27-02-2021, 00:13
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Originally Posted by 19thol
Is there a quarter birth?
...you Americans do have prerequisites...!
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27-02-2021, 02:11
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
a few comments from a bluewater-cruisers point of view that imho have an influence on the price:
lovely lines, beautiful hull
very impractical interior arrangement:
forward charttable facing astern
no place to sit in saloon when on stbd tack
toilet forward
countertops of galley opposite stove
anchorwindlass installation useless & dangerous
engine: if original & 300hrs: throwaway!
no pics of bilge, ruddertrunk, sterntube, chainplates, turnbuckles & shroud terminals
enginecompartment & engine look neglected & unclean
...not all who wander are lost!
27-02-2021, 08:56
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
no quarter berth. dinette drops down to sleep two plus two more in v berth - quarter berth was eliminated for more storage and nav table
27-02-2021, 10:02
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Originally Posted by taoist
have put too much in to donate and storage fees
I think the idea that the sale price should reflect the money spent is missing an important fact of life. The market price does not care about how bad you are getting hurt $$$. The buyers only care about the value they are getting when comparing your boat to others available. You need to focus on getting out of this boat with the minimal loss of dollars while accepting that it will hurt more than you want it to.
I agree with upgrading the pictures and description. Very important.
28-03-2021, 16:08
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Originally Posted by Lexi22
Hey Lexi, tried to reply to your PM about this but couldn't, hopefully you get this with apologies for the late reply. I don't always get notifications for some reason.
I'm also sorry I didn't see this because I just got back from a RI trip this weekend looking at boats. It was recommended by a former T34C owner that the T37 was probably the boat for me (although the one you referenced is too expensive for me if he won't go down to $16k...still would have been good to look at her). The T34C lady was kind enough to show me her ex-boat with the new owner standing right there in the yard. I looked at two T34Cs this weekend, one was definitely not staged for viewing but the one she showed me was beautiful inside and out!
I'm interested in a Bristol 34 I looked at, also in RI. I'm on CF asking for opinions on some issues I noticed, hoping they're not a big deal. Also spent a week in Texas taking 101/103/104. I feel like I can sail now.
How's your hunt going? Are you still on hiatus? Feel free to reply by PM to not block up this thread. Just didn't want you to think I ignored you, it was nice of you to let me know!
29-03-2021, 21:25
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Sorry for the thread intrusion.
Hoodsail, I've been searching for CNG exhanges/refills in the NY/CT region for a few seasons now.
Would you be able to pass on the location where you get your CNG tanks please?
Thank in advance, back to regular programming
Comment on the original thread - I noticed that the engine bay looks dirty.
30-03-2021, 05:50
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Genki, just sent you a PM so as not to disturb the thread...thnks
30-03-2021, 06:35
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Originally Posted by genki
Sorry for the thread intrusion.
Hoodsail, I've been searching for CNG exhanges/refills in the NY/CT region for a few seasons now.
Would you be able to pass on the location where you get your CNG tanks please?
Thank in advance, back to regular programming
Comment on the original thread - I noticed that the engine bay looks dirty.
I refill my CNG tank at the local CNG "gas station" for CNG cars and it costs me maybe $2 
The person that I got on the phone said it was against the rules/laws to fill portable tanks, but they also mentioned no live human was at the station to stop me and please don't blow the place up
To the OP - Sorry to say, but you should have jumped on $16K. Getting a loan for a boat that old is not easy, you are looking at mostly cash buyers. Your boat is nice for sure, but the cabin layout is dated enough to puzzle or deter many buyers used to what a CatBenHun looks like.
Also, painful as it is, used car, boat, and airplane values *assume the vehicle has been maintained*. The going price for a DC-3 is for one in good shape, not one with the original engines and radios from 1935  Adding a $15,000 engine to a $15,000 boat does not create a $30,000 boat.
I am facing the same issue if I sell my boat, I will get basically no return on all the work I have done.
03-04-2021, 11:18
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
To the OP:
Sorry I'm 'late to the party'. I'm in the boat market (but also looking for smaller, sorry). I think the ad looks pretty good, and the pictures aren't bad, compared to a lot I've seen posted on other sites.
I think the biggest problem is probably promotion. Yacht World and BoatListings aren't the end all. As others have said, you (actually the broker IMO) should be looking at alternative sources like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace to advertise.
My suggestion would be to focus heavily on the Great Lakes region, Tartans are very popular here.
03-04-2021, 19:51
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Re: Frustrated Seller - Tartan 37
Your boat was on my list last year. But I did not contact the broker about it. I did contact them about a Tartan 34c they had for 19,000 I think...I'm going off memory here! (listed with a different salesperson than you have)
I decided I was looking for something I could make my own, and whatever I purchased was going to have the interior gutted, so I opted for a Tartan 34c in Maine with soft decks, beaten up interior and old sails. But is has a Yanmar and a strong hull. I paid $6000 for it and had it shipped to me in Toronto at a cost of $5000.
I think your price is more than fair, but what can you do? My previous boat was a CS27, that I bought in 2015 from an owner who made it, hands down, THE finest CS27 in existence, with much of the work done by some of the top outfits around. I bought it for $10,000, which was maybe, maybe, 1/4th of his investment. So your pain could be worse.
Just offering up anecdotes is all.
I have noticed that Tartan 34c's are getting harder to come by now. And the list prices are in the upper $20,000 for decent ones. As an owner who is part of the Tartan 34c group, I can tell you this is driven by a bit of a cult following - one that will perhaps spill over to the boats like your Tartan 37. We're a bit like fanatic's and their old Airtreams in that regard. I couldn't give a crap that I'm heeling at 30 degrees all the time. I've owned, or share owned (2) brand new Hunter 33's, a Hunter 36, a brand new Beneteau 38 and the fore mentioned CS27, so I'm not just an old boat nut.
I would be tempted to hang in there a little longer. It is nearly impossible to find a boat that floats for sale up here. The other day, I looked at a CS27 that had bad decks and smelled of sewage - sold in a week, 9 offers.
Again, can't really advise, just offering up knowledge. 25 year olds are going on the water for the first time and then walking the yard and making offers 2 hours later. It's nuts, and unsustainable. I sold my CS27 last year for $11,000, I could have gotten $15,000 this year.
Perhaps broaden your geographic scope with local ads.
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