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Old 02-11-2016, 06:59   #16

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Re: Fortissimo 33 - good for a first boat?

I'm with Jim Cate. That boat looks like a looser. Why would anyone shackle himself to a project like that? That boat's a sinker, and so will any man be, financially, who lets himself get lumbered with her.

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Old 02-11-2016, 07:43   #17
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Re: Fortissimo 33 - good for a first boat?

Let me take off that whoever owns this boat knows nothing about tlc. The boat looks super dirty.

The keel situation does not look anything far from similar designs. In earlier Allegros (built by Acva) there were 11 pairs of bolts with nuts in the pockets of the ballast under the boat. Basically indestructible as this was designed to take rocky ground at small speeds. The gap has to be cleaned very well, dense epoxy putty injected. The forward bolts (I think 2 pairs) slightly tensioned. To tension them, you empty the pockets. And sure the boat is on dry and supported on the ballast slab.

If the ballast slab is very rusty only blast sanding and epoxy work save you from quite some maintenance chore every time on dry.

I hope you have inspected the ballast bolts which are all visible in the bilge - these should be pristine. They are easy to replace BUT this is a major job - time, money, effort wise. Finding quality bolts of the right length and dia is difficult.

The plywood forward is probably just and overlay. There should be a proper grp bulkhead underneath. The extra stay is and add on and not done too well at all. Replace the wood. Use proper marine ply and saturate it in epoxy prior to fitting.

The small water intrusion on the main bulkhead looks a minor glitch BUT you want to find where this water came from - most likely from the chainplates area (these are close to the bulkhead). This plywood is expected to be quality marine grade so do not worry if there is just a small blackened area - open, dry, pry a pin, saturate).

The fuel tap ... no comment. If the rest of the engine / systems look like this ... skip the boat.

Our boat is much older, sailed possibly more sea miles. Looks nearly new ban some love scars.

People who owned the boat damaged her. Do not pay 28k nor anything too close to this. The design is worthy but this sample looks very very worn out.

Expect everything to be repairable - just ask yourself if you have the time, the energy and the money to be the one who fixes her. Fixing up boats and sailing boats are two different pastimes.

a new engine 7k,
new sails 3k,
new rigging 2k,
a good paintwork 2k,
new cushions ?,
new woodwork ?,
new pumps ?,
new electrics ? ...

Add up. Think. Do not jump.

Thanks for the write up and the pictures!

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Old 02-11-2016, 12:57   #18
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Re: Fortissimo 33 - good for a first boat?

Barnakiel has it just right. A bad ( as very neglected) example of a good "breed"

Buy or not? Well, that depends largely on your skils and financial situation etc. It's clearly doable, not too difficult work, and the keel, which scared you the most(?) is (likely)just hoiurs of dirty work. I did that on my previous quite similar boat some 9 y ago. Took 3-4 days of grinding, fairing and epoxi painting and looked pristine on the next haul-out.

The little bits and pieces Will take a LOT more time, and cash, to fix. No pics of the engine with it's peripherals. That's a huge % of the actual value of this boat together with rigging and sails.... If that is in similar state of neglect as what your pics actually show, it's a 3' € boat to me. That too, depends on supply and demand in that area, and your willingness to undertake the work needed and/ or go searching elsewhere....

If you want it, make a very low bid and see what happens. If the owner is paying a yard/marina every month since a long time, he/she may be a very motivated seller.
Do it today-tomorrow it could be too late!
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Old 04-11-2016, 05:01   #19
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Re: Fortissimo 33 - good for a first boat?

Seriously?? for USD28K wow I think you should just put the funds in a bag and throw it in the sea...

The photos advertised on that website are nowhere near what you posted from your actual visit..

Please keep on looking or consider another design; plenty of medium sized sailboats on the market around Sth East Asia in better condition and price

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Old 04-11-2016, 05:19   #20
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Re: Fortissimo 33 - good for a first boat?


Run away ...Very fast....
In the harsh marine environment, something is always in need of repair...

Mai Tai's fix everything...
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Old 04-11-2016, 09:07   #21
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Re: Fortissimo 33 - good for a first boat?

Is that alloy Nicholson in Papeete still on the market?

It looked much cleaner and better value last time I surfed that part of the web.


Edit: It is. Not that much higher an asking and looks way more of a boat. Also way cleaner in the pictures.

Check it out. Ask the broker for present pictures. An owner may be willing to deliver to where you are. It is just a short sail.
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Old 04-11-2016, 10:33   #22
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Re: Fortissimo 33 - good for a first boat?

Simon, u have already told us you have very small income. I think u said something about crowd source funding. This boat will break your heart.

Look st it this way... if an owner will allow a boat to get into this state of disrepair... how do u think they treated the engine? Cabling, gauges, wiring, cordage, plumbing... man what do u think is going on inside of the fuel tanks... that boat needs a major major overhaul and a ton of money. Like M.D. Said..."run away as fast as u can".
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Old 06-11-2016, 04:37   #23
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Re: Fortissimo 33 - good for a first boat?

Yeah... I'm with you all. "Good breed in bad condition" as somebody put it here. I've read the posts here and talked with my friend in Singapore, guy is fixing boats for money and after half an hour of intense interview about what I've seen he told me to forget about this one.

I've got an offer for one year contract back in Europe, I'll look around Baltic sea after some time, there should be some boats similar to this one in better prices there. I'm happy I went to Langkawi and looked at her anyway. It was a learning experience... I've learned that I have to keep looking

Thank you all for posts and advice. If I'll find something else I'll come back here for advice again.

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Old 06-11-2016, 06:33   #24
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Re: Fortissimo 33 - good for a first boat?


Elated we could help you out... As fortunate... or UNfortunate as it may be, more often than not... a boat purchase turns into an emotional affair that overlooks red flags with your rose colored glasses... WE ALL DO IT....

It's heartbreaking to watch somebody make a financial mistake that also consumes their entire life... It's worse when said poor purchase plan endangers your well being... This one fit both categories...

There are an infinite number of reasonably priced well fitted boats that are looking for new owners... You'll find one with a little effort...

This is a great thread with some spectacular examples...

We're always ready for your next find, so we can put her on a pedestal, or help drag her to the landfill...
In the harsh marine environment, something is always in need of repair...

Mai Tai's fix everything...
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