I just today picked up an Endeavor 32 for 2000$ Yes, it had been sunk in 3 feetof
water and it is a mess BUT as I have a lot of pieces
parts and some know how, I can do a lot with it. Do not believe anyone who says you cannot go sailing for less than 35K$ Maybe he cannot. Not long ago at all 32 ft was pretty big and people went all around. Last year a gent in a
steel cutter (I think it was a cutter) of 44ft and a lady in a 28ft boat were rounding
south america and were only 50 miles apart. He got rolled and dismasted and couldnt get his
motor going; she was just fine. I forget which make but even more modestly constructed boats can easily be beefed up to go cross oceans. Several years ago a guy was found off
mexico in pacific. He had dismasted and been out there drifting for a month. He caught rain, spear turtles etc and after being found by the coasties, wanted only some help getting his
mast right and some small provisions so he could keep going. Same year man on
east coast is found dilusional, underweight and just totally beat up. He had been out not as long as
west coast man but was much worse off. I'll take knowlege(Not all book but how to rig stuff with available items etc.), fortitude , and fitness over dollars any day! Lyn and larry Pardee....yes, they ask for a tow now and then and live rather austere for me but hey, they are out there doing it :-). Even with water and five gallons of
fuel, I do not own four tons of stuff ! So, if you need that much stuff, there is a whole side to cruising you might be missing :-) Take care , fw+cs Terry