Dear Members,
I am seeking you opinions on the
steel boats above. Currently sailing wooden Vertue. I am looking for a
steel go anywhere
boat suited to short handed sailing.
Cutter rig without
bowsprit to keep
LOA manageable in close quarters, centre
cockpit, low freeboard, good
tracking, sea kindliness, pointing ability. And good distance run. It will be home so could use a bit of space but not at the expense of good sailing characteristics. Another
boat I have considered is the Trireme 38. Tall order!
Head steers me towards southern hemisphere designs as in Dix and
Adams as they are designed for tough conditions and offer respectable 24hr run distances for steel monohulls what with fin/keel and skeg configurations. Concerned about exposed prop on
Adams 40 however. Heart tends towards slower but perhaps more sea kindly three quarter
keel boats from Alan Pape, perhaps from my experiences with the Vertue. Yes, I’m struggling with the compromise.
Yachting Monthly magazine in the UK designed a theoretical
blue water cruiser from pooling ideas from a variety of experts. They came up with the YM 36. The significance of this design is that it is a fin
keel with integrated skeg profile. Can I confidently walk away from the three quarter keel for the sake of improved run distance and not lose sea kindliness and
tracking ability?
Any thoughts gratefully appreciated.
Lee Austin.