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Old 20-08-2013, 08:16   #31
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Re: Discussion. Help me understand more in depth...clr! looks can be deceiving

The underwater profile of my Dana is much like the Norsea and I sail upwind a lot (no gentleman?). True- when the bow lifts out of the water it does blow off to leeward. I would say when the bow is out of the water the CLR is farther aft regardless of the keel shape but more so on a full keel boat. All I have read says a fin keel points better but this varies depending on many other design factors. On certain days I can hold my own and a few times I have even sailed upwind better than finners. (My ability seems to vary a lot from one day to another so keel shape probably had nothing to do with the outcome.) The Dana does seem to do well when the wind is over 20 knots and the sails are small. We actually sail closer to the wind and our course-made-good to the wind is no worse than in lighter conditions in spite of being knocked back by waves.
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Old 20-08-2013, 10:17   #32
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Re: Discussion. Help me understand more in depth...clr! looks can be deceiving

The Dana's a great boat, sailed with friends who had one in mexico in the mid 80's.
I''m a little with Barnakiel, I dont mind not pointing up real high, I just crack off for speed. And I wouldnt buy a fin over a full keel just for pointing. However, I doubt I would buy something like a Hans Christian again either, or if I did, I would have a motorsailor size engine....
"I spent most of my money on Booze, Broads and Boats. The rest I wasted" - Elmore Leonard

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Old 20-08-2013, 13:42   #33
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Re: Discussion. Help me understand more in depth...clr! looks can be deceiving

Originally Posted by boatsail View Post

(... ) If I were to draw a vertical line (...)
Why not fool around some and actually do it!

For the eye may mislead one. Better measure and calculate than make visual/imaginary guesses.

One thing is that given different sections, actual resistance / drag / lift may actually work in different way resulting in the boat with visually (and geometrically) 'more aft' center ending up with its center of hydrodynamic support 'less aft'.

Another thing is that where the center is relative to fore and aft, is possibly of less importance than how it is related to the center of SA (or better yet: center of aerodynamic force.)

So to say, this 'bow blown off' has little to do with why they actually perform better/worse upwind.

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Old 20-08-2013, 14:23   #34
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Re: Discussion. Help me understand more in depth...clr! looks can be deceiving

Seems like a pointless exercise to compare a fin and full keel boat to start with.

Get a boat that you like and learn to live with its' shortcomings as no matter which boat you chose it will have some.

PS - it is crazy to ask a forum to give opinions of boats if you are accepting that they know more about a boat than the original designer
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
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