Looking at boats with 3 private sleeping cabins. Interested in hearing suggestions for good blue water boats.
The 3 cabins is going to get you on the budget. Cats would be a good idea or near 50 ft monos. You are in a tight budget unless you give up some
Blue Water qualities. With boats in the 3 cabin range, lower
price can bite off a whole lot of
work to get off and away plus added expenses all the way after. Many estimates on
repairs and expenses run "by the ft". It actuality is worse than that. Bigger gets to be a whole lot more.
You really need to really figure out what you really need to have. How you want to live needs to meet the budget or either you never leave or you end up tanked too soon. Spending
money on some charters does not always seem the best idea but it's a taste of what it really might be like. You are facing compromise and it's not easy to
trade off all the issues until you find out what they really cost. It would be easy for me to
trade off all the things you need given I maybe don't need them. It is about you and your
family not someone else.
In your price range I have to say brands don't matter as much as condition. You need a
boat in great condition at a steal-away price. You can not afford a
new boat. Start looking and walking on boats you can actually buy today. Learn more and be smarter is the only shot you have. It's easy to get smarter but it takes more