If the vessel is USCG documented one can obtain a title
history and lien report from the USCG for perfected liens.
Any and all perfected liens recorded with the USCG will need to be released by the lienholder before
documentation of
ownership can be changed. Separate form required to be submitted by each lien holder.
Review the USCG
Navigation Center website for forms and guidance.
It is very difficult to determine unrecorded liens that may apply to the boat such as
repairs, marina charges, yard
storage fees,
surveyor charges,
insurance, etc.
Be sure to check to see if property
taxes have been paid on the vessel with the county it is located within. That is a separate lien that follows the boat.
In the contract of
purchase be sure to obtain proper representations and warrants regarding title and liens.
Depending on which State the vessel will be located you may need to have your USCG documented vessel registered with the State of Principal Use.
Accordingly any State
registration will need to be changed by seller's notice to their department of vehicles. Review the specific requirements of the applicable State the vessel may be registered with.
Since the vessel is USCG documented, there is no State title to have to transfer.
If you decide to not have your vessel USCG documented then if the State of Principal Use is a titling State then one will need to obtain a State title in addition to any registration requirement.
Review similarly for any
dinghy or
outboard motor.
And then there is the issue of
Sale / Use taxation. Review the
regulations of the State in which the sale will occur and also the State to which the vessel my be relocated to become the State of Principal Use for what reporting is required and the payment process. Typically Use tax is due upon registration. And property taxation may arise, check with the county to which the registration applies.