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Old 30-05-2015, 15:37   #1
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Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Howdy Folks,

I am starting this thread because over the last year I have seen a lot of interest here on the forum for "good cruising boats that cost less than $30,000."

Why start it then?
My sincere hope is that this thread will help someone become a new happy boat owner so they can begin to experience the joys of sailing and cruising. I am starting the thread to help others here on the forum, and this is not driven by my own search for a boat (I have a different goal), it is not limited by my location, nor is it restricted to my own taste in boats or any particular brand or type of boat.

This thread is intended to be an open thread with any member contributing what they see related to the topic. Think of it like it is conversation among members who are presenting some lower priced boats that they have seen on the market, with the hope that it might help another member learn something about those boats.

There are 10 Points or guidelines to make this thread most helpful and to fall within the rules of this forum/site so the thread continues to add value for everyone.

Who do I hope it will help?
There are some forum members (and some are new to sailing) who want to spend less than $30,000 and some members are looking at boats that are even less, with some less than $10,000. While we all recognize that the low priced boats are likely to be old, or in need of repair, there are many people who do want to buy a sailboat for cruising and they have limited budgets that will not allow them to purchase a more expensive or new boat.

Obviously, $10K or $20K or even $30K is not a big budget for buying a big keel boat on which you intend to cruise or live aboard. Any boat at that "asking" price point is likely going to need lots of work or more money spent on upgrading and fixing things.

However, the requests for tips and information about such lower budget boats keep coming up on the forum. For some members the $30K maximum (or less) will be what they can afford. I see nothing wrong with that, and would like to help those members find a boat that can get them sailing.

This thread can be a place where anyone who finds a noteworthy boat that fits that description or price level can post it here as it may help another forum member who is looking for something in that price level.

Since many members keep their eyes open for "deals" (watching Ebay, Craig's List, Yachtworld and many other listing sites and local notices) and they enjoy the boat "hunt" as a pastime, this can be a way of sharing those boats you find, that you don't buy for yourself (you pass on it), but those same boats could be a real deal/find for someone else, when you pass it on. Pay it forward!


You are encouraged to post in this thread. When posting in this thread, please follow these 10 Points or Guidelines for Posting:

1. The boat should be available now. This thread is about what is available today.
The intention of this thread is to post a photo and some info on the currently available boat (or a link if you have one) with the boat priced no higher than $30,000 USD.

Don't post photos of boats that sold years or months ago. Likewise, anecdotes about a boat you bought for little money 10 years ago is not the goal of this thread.

2. Post the location (what country or state). A low cost boat in the wrong location could prove very costly to transport or move.

3. Don't just post a link! Don't just post a name. Post a photo if you can. Do post a link (if you have one) but only with your own notes on what you saw in the boat or why YOU think it is noteworthy in this category (<$30K).

4. Do post something about what you saw in that boat, or why you like it or why it caught your attention. Write a little description of what you like about the boat, or if you know of things that make it noteworthy. If you have prior experience on this type of boat, mention that. If you owned or own a similar boat, mention that.

5. If you know of potential problems this model of boat has, mention what to look for when viewing it. Those could be very simple things like "not much headroom" or "tight head" or "potential leaks on teak deck" or "difficult to access the engine on this model."

6. The important thing here is that YOU as a member add something to the post, more than just a link. From my view, anyone just posting links (and nothing more than that) is possibly spamming boats that are for sale, and I will ask the Moderators to delete those "blind links" so this thread continues to have real value. This is important because one of the forum rules is there to keep sellers of boats from "spamming" the forum with links. Instead, we will focus on discussion of what we see on the market today within this price range.

Why is that important?
7. Let's keep this a "discussion" among members of what we see and like and emphasis should be on sharing what we see and know about boats like these.

8. Don't just post the names of your favorite brands, as there are many threads where that is done. Instead, post a photo, link, and YOUR NOTES on this kind of boat and make sure this is for a boat that is currently for sale. That is the point of this thread.

9. This is not intended to replace or compete with the CF Classifieds forum either. If you have a boat for sale, you should post it there. This is intended to simply bring to light or attention some boats that fit the description (< $30K) and are available on the market now, along with forum member discussion of that kind of boat.

10. If you are actively searching for a boat to buy today, or if you just purchased a boat today (recently), then consider posting some information (as described above) about the top two or three boats you almost bought (your "runner ups"). That may be very helpful to another sailor.

Caveat Emptor! Buyer Beware!
Posting a photo here or information about a boat does NOT constitute an endorsement of that boat or that brand or that seller of the boat. The buyer should still "beware."

The buyer should always ask: In what condition is it?

As with any purchase of any large boat, it is wise to have the boat surveyed by a professional Yacht Surveyor prior to purchase. If you are a newbie and don't have much experience with sailboats, this is especially important.

Good luck hunting!
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Old 30-05-2015, 15:49   #2
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

I will start with a post of some information about a boat I saw yesterday online (only) while searching for a boat for another member who has a budget limit of $20,000 or less. While it is not the boat I want, it may be of interest to someone else on the forum who has a goal of finding a boat that fits this budget or asking price.

NOTE: I have NO connection to the boat or the seller.

Sabre 34 1983 Centerboard Shoal Draft $10,000

This looks like a lot of boat you could buy today for $10,000 (buy it now) or possibly less on auction (on the popular auction site). The auction ends in a few days.

Located on the Chesapeke (Maryland as I recall). Shoal draft Centerboard 34 foot , 1983

1983 34&apos; Sabre Centerboard Sailboat | eBay.

The interior looks nice. I have seen worse looking boats for more money (asking price).

Be aware: This is an auction boat. Prudence suggests having a survey done on a boat prior to purchase. That is probably NOT possible with an auction boat.
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Name:	Sabre 34 Centerboard 1983 $10K.jpg
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Name:	Sabre 34 Centerboard 1983 $10K Galley.jpg
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Name:	Sabre 34 Centerboard 1983 $10K Saloon.jpg
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ID:	102965  

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Old 30-05-2015, 15:58   #3
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Good thread.
It seems you could buy an auction boat and then order a survey. The seller's option is to relist and wait more time or just go with you I imagine!
or just contact the seller ans say "if I buy it now, can I have a week to inspect it?"
"I spent most of my money on Booze, Broads and Boats. The rest I wasted" - Elmore Leonard

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Old 31-05-2015, 14:58   #4
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Exactly the type to thread I am looking for. Thanks!
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Old 01-06-2015, 04:03   #5
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Hi Steady,

Great community service. 😀

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Old 05-06-2015, 07:18   #6
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Westsail 32 project $20,500 Sacramento, CA

I am not sure if this qualifies as a noteworthy find or not. It seems the Westsail 32 is popular and I found this ad. Let me know what you think.

Westsail 32- Cruising Sailboat
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Old 26-07-2015, 19:51   #7
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Hi Folks!

It has been a while since I posted in this thread, mostly due to some other projects. But, a recent discussion in another thread where I participated reminded me about this topic, because evidently one newbie to the forum and inexperienced sailor member had the mistaken impression that I don't like older boats or that I don't think it is possible to find a suitable cruising boat for less than a lot of money.

I thought that was ironic, since I started this thread precisely to help people notice some "Noteworthy boats" that are in the "less than $30K" asking price point or level. In fact, looking back at this thread, the first boat I posted was listed for $10K or less (it was an auction).

I encourage anyone to add to this thread, and hope folks will follow the suggested "10 Points of Guidelines" of the thread up above.

Rules? Who needs rules!??
Those are really guidelines designed to help us all help others here via this thread and to keep it valuable to the forum and not have it shut down due to spamming. Read the "10 Points" above and then add what you can below, whenever you come across what you think would be a good boat for someone on a budget limited to no more than $30,000 for the asking price of the boat.


Here is what I saw today and it appears to be a new listing (a few days old):

MORGAN 33 1969 $7K

Location = St. Augustine FLORIDA

Morgan 33 Ft. Sailboat

Quoted from the Sale Listing:
Restored 1969 Morgan 33 Everything new, electric 110 v and 12v , new thru hull fittings ,all hose water ,fuel ,holding tanks . Motor gone over ,new muffler all hoses over heat, oil pressure sensor and alarm ,New tach. New ST 40 Raymarine depth and speed. New running rigging 135% and 165% head sail , battened main and spinnaker. Top side and hull painted. All new cushions.and lights. Asking $7200

My Observations:
This boat has a nice paint job. Looking at the description in the sale notice, it appears the boat has been prepped for sale. New running rigging, some new instruments, new cushions, new through hull fittings, and possibly new(ish) sails? Many boats at this price point do NOT have that going for them. So, apparently someone has made an effort to make this boat presentable. That is a good sign. It is certainly much better looking than many or most of the boats I have seen listed for less than $10,000 at this approximate size.
NOTE: I posted some information about this boat for discussion purposes only. I do NOT have any financial ties to this boat or the seller. I do NOT have personal experience on this boat. Caveat Emptor!
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	MORGAN 33 1969 CL $7K dock.jpg
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ID:	106078   Click image for larger version

Name:	MORGAN 33 1969 CL $7K engine.jpg
Views:	4376
Size:	48.6 KB
ID:	106079  

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Old 26-07-2015, 20:44   #8
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Here is a different kind of boat.

Sparkman & Stephens 35ft 1939 WOOD $1,000 or $10K

My observations:
It is a "classic" Sparkman & Stephens design in wood. Yes, wood.

What is noteworthy about this boat? You can buy it for just $1,000! (without the new in crate motor).

Key Point for Discussion?
This case shows that sometimes the value of a boat can drop to the point where the components of the boat are worth more than the boat. This is particularly common when one is looking at older wood boats.

In this case, you could look at it this way:

"Buy the NEW IN CRATE Engine ($9,000K value) and get the 35 foot classic boat for just $1,000 extra!"

But it's wood!
This kind of boat has appeal to a limited market of people who will love and care for a wood boat, an old classic. But it can still be a wonderful boat. It is old. But it has made it this far (it is 75 years old)! It will require maintenance, but all boats do. It is in need of some TLC, but most boats at this price point or age are needing that. It is wood and some woodworking (shipwright) skills will be required, or hired. But it is in a good part of the country for finding skilled shipwrights and apprentices who love working on wood boats and classics.

Here are the particulars:

Quote from the sale listing:
"35' Sparkman Stephens 1939 built for the commodore of the Seattle yacht club and has racing history.
She was originally called Alert and is now Janell. We have a list of every owner and history/information about the boat.
Very original- lots of varnish and white paint, functional galley, tiny and effective wood stove for heat, oil lamps made from her trophies- very simple and good looking cabin.

She's covered, sound, and in decent shape, but probably ready for some work on the hull and fasteners, the boom and mast are covered and stored. The mast has been rebuilt recently by a pro. The new motor is included. It is a 32 horse 4 cylinder Universal Marine and we paid $9,000 for it 2 years ago. It's still in it's crate.
Sails are in ok condition. We have a 105% hank on the genoa. We have all the standing rigging also.

We need to find her a new home in the next couple weeks.
10,000 with the motor or $1000 without it.

We are motivated and if you are very serious about a restoration project please contact "

NOTE: I posted some information about this boat for discussion purposes only. I do NOT have any financial ties to this boat or the seller. I do NOT have personal experience on this boat. Caveat Emptor!
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	S&S 35ft 1939 $1K.jpg
Views:	4185
Size:	47.5 KB
ID:	106083  
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Old 26-07-2015, 21:05   #9
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

The moderators recently deleted a post of mine about a boat for sale due to the boat not belonging to me.

I am somewhat confused as to the forum rules on this topic.

Looking for another pretty place to work on the boat.
Working on spending my children's inheritance.
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Old 26-07-2015, 21:10   #10
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Hi Folks!
Here is another noteworthy boat that appears to be a very recent listing (a few days).

What makes this one noteworthy?
Take a look at the design. It is unusual (center cockpit, forward helm).

Take a look at the Layout. Also unusual with the aft area of the boat being the "salon" and it has large portlights on the sides and stern.

Take a look at the equipment list. Notice that it has the following items that are usually costly add ons including the electric motor:

1. Max prop
2. Electric Motor
3. Inflatable Dinghy with Outboard
4. Nature's Head Composting Head

The boat looks surprisingly clean in the photos. That is always a good sign. I get the impression this boat has been well cared for by the owner, and it appears the owner has been updating it.

Yamaha 1978 Y29 Center Cockpit Sailboat $7K

LOCATION = Idaho (truck it to PNW)

LOA- 28'7'' LWL-22'6'' Beam-10ft Draft-4'11'' Displacement-6,400lbs
Electric Yachts electric motor
• 48 volt battery system @ 235 amp hours
• 48 volt 25amp charger
100 watt solar panel with MPPT charge controller
ProFurl roller furling with genoa in very good condition
PIY dripless stuffing box
Max-Prop three blade folding prop
• Hall Spars QuikVang boom vang
Dickinson Newport propane heater
Force 10 propane stove
• Full electronics
Auto helm
• 6 hank on headsails from Kevlar genoa to storm jib
Natures head composting head
Maxxon inflatable with 3.5hp Nissan 2 stroke outboard

NOTE: I posted some information about this boat for discussion purposes only. I do NOT have any financial ties to this boat or the seller. I do NOT have personal experience on this boat. Caveat Emptor!
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Name:	Yamaha Y29 1978 $7K 1.jpg
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ID:	106094   Click image for larger version

Name:	Yamaha Y29 1978 $7K 11.jpg
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Size:	27.5 KB
ID:	106095  

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Old 26-07-2015, 22:02   #11
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Here is another unusual boat that caught my eye.
Because recently I participated in a thread on the forum where the topic was "Which Boat" to buy for the Tampa and Tarpon Springs Florida area. In other words, which boats would be suitable where the water is "skinny" and the tide causes much of the shallow coastline to dry or get VERY shallow, preventing use of deeper draft boats.

As I recall, the OP in that thread was looking for a smaller boat (about 25 feet) for daysailing or weekend sailing and cruising. The other key desire was low cost (under $10K) and the ability to use it in shallow waters.

The discussion mentioned some boats, usually centerboard boats from Catalina etc..

I personally have found Catboats to be attractive, because they are generally designed with a shallow draft (usually for the Chesapeake Bay area) and yet can have surprisingly comfortable cabins due to broad beam and often have big cockpits. I also like the Sharpie hull designs of other boats. And I like simple rigs.

So, when I came across this boat below, I was surprised. I was not previously aware of this brand or boat. It is a Cat Ketch and it was designed and built in that Tampa Florida area for those waters.

It is unusual. It is a Cat Ketch and has two wishbone booms (like a Nonsuch) with furling sails on each boom.

I will bold a few of the items or features below. Notice that when the centerboard is UP, the draft of the boat is minimal (16 inches).

NOTE: I am going to post a few photos of this model or type of boat. These are photos of a sister ship that was sold earlier. I am adding them here so you can see what this TYPE of boat looks like.

Here is some information on this recent "for sale" listing:

Beachcomber 25 cat ketch - $5900

Location = TAMPA

Beachcomber 25 cat catch SAILBOAT

1981 Beachcomber 25 Cat ketch Sailboat.
(28 ft. overall)
10 HP inboard Yanmar diesel engine.
Engine completely overhauled 06/15,
New sails with covers.
New paint overall.
Antifowling bottom paint done in 11/14.
2-12 volt batteries and solar panel.
Mini frig. runs on 12 volts.Fully cushioned in and out. Intermediate sail. Furling main mast with wishbone boom, furling mizzen mast with wishbone boom.
New custom bimini top that covers entire cockpit. 2-12 volt batteries. Autopilot, GPS
Swing keel 6.5 dn. 16 inches bd. up.
Closed HEAD w/solar pwd.
6 ft headroom,
screens throughout all port holes and openings,
Propane stove top. Propane BBQ on stern pulpit, 4 bunks


NOTE: I posted some information about this boat for discussion purposes only. I do NOT have any financial ties to this boat or the seller. I do NOT have personal experience on this boat. Caveat Emptor!
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Name:	Beachcomber 25 Cat Ketch 2.jpg
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Name:	Beachcomber 25 1982 Sailing.jpg
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ID:	106248  

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ID:	106250  

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Name:	Beachcomber 25 1982 2.jpg
Views:	2692
Size:	29.5 KB
ID:	106251  
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Old 26-07-2015, 22:46   #12
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

You are going to have a lot of angry people here saying,"darn, I could have bought a better boat than mine, for less!" But seriously, this is a good thread to post. It should encourage folks also to do lots of research on boats so that when that good deal appears they will know enough to make an appropriate offer.
1962 Columbia 29 MKI #37
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Old 27-07-2015, 09:50   #13
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Some great finds Steady...... especially the Morgan!
"I spent most of my money on Booze, Broads and Boats. The rest I wasted" - Elmore Leonard

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Old 27-07-2015, 10:16   #14
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Originally Posted by Cap Erict3 View Post
The moderators recently deleted a post of mine about a boat for sale due to the boat not belonging to me.

I am somewhat confused as to the forum rules on this topic.

Looking for another pretty place to work on the boat.
Hi Eric.
I don't know why. I will ask, in order to make sure the posts within this thread are OK with the Mods.
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Old 27-07-2015, 10:19   #15
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Re: Boats Less Than $30K Recent Noteworthy Finds

Originally Posted by Don C L View Post
You are going to have a lot of angry people here saying,"darn, I could have bought a better boat than mine, for less!" But seriously, this is a good thread to post. It should encourage folks also to do lots of research on boats so that when that good deal appears they will know enough to make an appropriate offer.

The other day I came across a nice S&S boat (not the one I have posted above) that made me think of you.

I will post it very soon. When I saw it, I thought: "I LIKE that boat. I bet Don will too."

Just don't get angry (for the reasons you stated above).
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