Originally Posted by Fintry
Hmm. I've never seen these before. As noted above, winches want the line to come to them at a 5 to 15 degree angle from below. Within limits, I suspect that these will expand that some. Unless there's a good reason why you can't make the lines follow the 5/15 rule, I'd leave these off. Winches can be useful for docking and other things -- these fairleads would prevent that.
I have A and B on pads that angle the winches out 15 deg. This helps give that 5-15 deg below base feed angle from the jib/geny. I have used winches that are angled out. they are great when pulling from a forward direction. only a forward direction. If pulling from abeam or aft or midship i feel it wraps up on the winch or overrides.
Thus i figured i would leave C and D on a flat winch pad. Then i could pull from any direction. If blocked at E7 it would feed at about -5 deg.
Originally Posted by Fintry
Winches can be useful for docking and other things
YES. and on my mind is a bridal if hoveto behind a paraanchor
that is why i wonderd if fairleads pointing abeam (straight outwards) on C and D would be helpfull. Could I avoid running such a bridal to a block (i.e. E?) if the fairlead pointed outwards.The winch has way bigger backing plate than a block at E?. And E? would be almost double the static force than running straight to a winch. Then again... how often would i use such an orientation? pretty fricking rarely.
It is a
center cockpit. So, to me, the winches feel way more forward than a normal stern
cockpit boat.
I have never used Murry winches with fairleads. Or any fairlead at the base of a winch. No clue if one can bypass the fairlead. I feel it is likely. It is really stout big winch. I should point out that C and D were originally smaller winches on this boat. I found two additional murray M6 winches so they all share the same type of handle.
The fairleads unbolts so, i could indeed avoid the fairlead all together and even do so on the
water. But the orientation of the fairleads, if useful, kinda has to be decided now. Before ever even sailling this particular boat.
Thanks to everyone for the ideas or confirmations. Not drilling quite yet so open to more if others chime in.