Originally Posted by Shayamoya
I didnt know registering the boat in Australia <24m was optional - is that because its already registered in the UK and what are the benefits of local registration?
According to a weird song by Led Zepplin, "sometimes words have two meanings".
Because Aus is a federation, 'registration' of a vessel can have at least two meanings:
(a) state or territory registration, where state or territory = Tas, Vic, NSW, QLD and so on; and
(b) registration on the Australian
Shipping Register (managed by AMSA).
In some federal economies, meaning (b) is called "documentation". In the UK, because it is not a federation, "registration" generally refers to the Small Ships Registry.
If Shayamoya intends to sail the vessel out of Aus waters on its own bottom and to be legally correct, the vessel needs type (b) registration - meaning being listed on the UK SSR, the Aus
Shipping Registry, the Malaysian Langkawi registry, or such things run by
Panama and others.
Depending on in which Aus state or territory you reside, you likely will need to pay for registration in that state or territory. But only "likely". If you really are entitled to hold the SSRegistration, then you could keep the foreign registration. And by displaying that SSR number and flying the Red Duster (and an Aus defaced red duster as courtesy flag) you could "avoid" paying state or territory registration. Or not! There are
legal points: if you're an Aus citizen resident in a state or territory other than NT or Vic, you're most likely caught by needing to pay state or territory registration. Whether the person who
sold the vessel to you had paid Aus
import duty and GST on the vessel as part of importing the vessel into Aus is also a factor. I could go on about what might happen in your vessel happens to be in any of the several
marinas in Aus that are regularly visited by ABF officers, or the state waters that are well policed, but they're all other issues.
As for advantages and procedures for the Aus Shipping Registry, you might want to take a
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