Do not know from personal experience, but I believe the Amel factory are very good in
English. Just got this
email address from a website:
Never heard of
keel bolts getting loose (on an Amel). The Mango
keel bolts are in the bottom of the watertank, most of them impossible to reach unless you destroy,
saloon floor and the top of tank.
You could try this question on the Amel facebook group or the Amel group Hmmm, I thought this was an yahoo group.
Like with any
boat: seeing a crack between
keel and the hull means caution, in particular if the keel is encapsulated (like the Amels are). Get a qualified opinion before you buy.
Edit: Oops, when I started writing the above there was no picture, now I see i posted a picture during my writing. I think the above is still valid, assuming that the line is where the ballast is, grinding out will tell you, but ..... it is not your boat