hello all, While I was
cleaning boat nooks and crannys out preparing for some coastal cruising this summer, I came upon an Eastern
marine 6500 btu a/c unit. Found it under the v berth behind the
water heater unit. Bout had a cow from excitement As i have been pricing a/c units lately. 1200-1500 bucks. well took it home hooked the
water hose to in plugged it in and BRRRRRRR blowing good cold air.. We can sure use it in August on the south
gulf coast.. Already has the intake
thru hull for pcooling
pump, and a discharge sea **** is readily available. as far as the coil
condensation, Will probably just run it to the
bilge .
Bilge pump can
pump out as needed. Question is.. It didnt have a shurflo, etc. type
water pump in
boat. So what size GPM should I use for a/c unit?? 320 600 900 or?????? For
cooling condensor??? any help always appriciated.. It is a Eastern
Marine 6500 BTU cannot find info on that model. Think Eastern went out of biz..
Mark and Karen