I own a Columbia 41, 1974. It is very roomy with three cabins plus
galley and
head. I have had 15 people aboard for
dock parties. Being an older
boat you can expect to replace most of the
electrical system and nav lights
instruments. This is not so hard since there is lots of room to
work in. I also replaced the standing
rigging after exchanging emails with a fellow Columbia owner in Michagan. He had issues with cracked
rigging swag fittings. My boat had been on the
hardstand for many years and there were only 100 hours on the
Perkins diesel. I also replaced all but two of the
keel studs with
stainless steel. Two were under the
motor mount and could not be extracted. All the bolts were replaced. Also, the original
wood framed
deck hatches were replaced with modern
Bomar hatches. This requried new combings to be built and glassed in. For a large boat, it seems to sail well. The boat has a large
rudder and will tack in its own length. I would recommend
buying one if you look on it as a hobby and plan to spend come
money and time bringing it up the modern yacht standards.
Sam Hepford