I grew up in sailboats.
Wood, cotton
sails, no
radio, and most had no engines or one lung ones which while reliable, had little thrust. My grandfather boat had two rigs and beach stone ballast. We fished off No Mans Land in
winter. People did ocean
racing in boats like this. Yikes..I’m old. But it was fun. You were rich if you had a recording barometer. Nobody was going to come to your
rescue if you got the
weather wrong. Ocean
race boats had no life rafts. I’m laughing thinking back but I
lost friends too. It was all we had then.
Do I think it’s sensible NOW to have no engine...NOPE.
I sailed for years without a
motor because they were too expensive and weighed too much. In some boats I owned...like lightly built Herreshoff boats, it would be difficult to install and would really hurt the sailing performance.
Lin and Larry were good
wood boatbuilders. The second boat had no
I did NOT think that was a good decision as it put the passengers at higher risk in any number of scenarios....But... Each to their own.
Can you sail on
offshore passages without a motor. Certainly. Please just leave your
VHF behind so no one needs to risk their life to save you. The Coast Guard
rescue swimmers have families. Do the responsible thing. Try to sail such that you never have to call in a mayday. No motor?

Well the yachtsman like thing to do is simple...the
captain goes down with the ship.
Happy trails to you.
Captain Mark and his manatee crew who all have ACR strobes tied to their paddles cause there is no room in the crash bag full of pizza.