I think many of you have the wrong idea about the Dashew
boats. We sail a Sundeer 64 and it's wonderful and if you can find one it'll cost you half the
price of a new 50'
Oyster, Swan etc. or less and you out-sail them so bad (incl. the 65 footers of those) that it's just awesome!
But if you want in-mast
furling, 30 layers of
varnish on the
salon table etc. you better look elsewhere. It's just a choice of where to put the
money when you design a
For 200 nm days you just do the math: 200/24 means you need to average 8.5 knots. In
trade wind conditions this is easily done when your
hull speed is 12 knots -and- you can do sustained planing above that. Dashew did a 384 nm day on Beowulf if I'm not mistaken. Divide that by 24... ;-)
The original Sundeer is in
Cartagena, moored at club de Pesca and
for sale. This is your chance ;-)