Zeus, I don't see anything immediatly wrong with this boat. In fact, it reminds me a great deal of my first boat, a 21' Kells, made in Fall River, MA. I like the sight of the
compression post below, which will take the mast's pressure. My Kells didn't have one. I had to put my own in. Another good feature is this boat comes with the
trailer. Now, I have one question: For $3k, where is the
outboard? Are you planning to
purchase one in addition to the boat?
Here are some things to check for:
1) Check that the
trailer is not rotted out or in any way not going to be street
legal. Check for title, etc... Check trailer
wiring to see that brakes, blinkers, etc..
2) Jump up and down on the
deck and try to test for any soft spots. Take a block of
wood and give the
hull some taps to check as well.
3) Check that the pintles and gudgeons are in good shape and securely fastened and that the tiller is not spit or cracked in any way.
4) Double check
sails and all inventory
5) Fire extinguisher?
Safety equipment?
That's a start. Once you go an investigate a little bit, you will probably have more specifics, I would assume.