Yep Phantom Jim's got it, though I think the gudgeons and pintles may need to be larger than what that site shows. What's the thickness of the rudder? The the trick is to drill all the way through straight so that the bolts will line up well on either side. If there is
wood in there, seal with
epoxy inside there before attaching. It is a partially balanced rudder meaning that there is a pointy part that goes forward not aft. "Balanced" means that having some of the rudder in front of the rudder post, the pivot point, takes some of the strain off the
helm when
steering, and applies it to the pintles and gudgeons so be sure they are the right size or a little oversize. Also, when you mount the gudgeons on the transom be sure they are well backed up with some backing blocks and large washers. Nice little boat!