Originally Posted by Ziggy
Without getting too far off topic, the Bering Strait migrations were not the earliest migrations to NA from
Asia as a site called Monte Verde in
Chile has predated the Bering Migrations by several thousand years. It is thought now that the earlier migrants used skin
boats to accomplish their journey. Then, there's the fascinating Solutrean Theory which states that Europeans from southern Spain followed the ice across the North Atlantic during the last Ice Age and landed in North America. To date, documented Solutrean artifacts have been found along the eastern seaboard of the US as well as in dredging operations
offshore. The Vikings were probably not the first to "discover" NA, but they are the first Europeans to have reached our shores as documented at the L'Anse Aux Meadows site in NE
Newfoundland. By the way, the Solutrean artifacts on the eastern seaboard predate those from the Western migrations and are now known to the the earliest migrations to NA. The important thing in all these studies is that knowledge is allowed to be tested and proven without the dogma of politically correct governments or universities with a personal, non-scientific agenda. Good luck and good sailing.