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Old 06-09-2016, 15:45   #31
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by svtatoosh View Post
Eagles Quest @ Cambridge Bay about a week ago. There has been tension.
A FB Search will bring up a public site for "Eagles Quest ll - Arctic Expedition"
Seems like one unhinged internet fan highlighting an unqualified expedition leader.

It's never good to sail with a schedule plotted like a marathon run, can't imagine anyone doing that if they understood the literally uncharted waters- even worse when you either abandon crew or they desert when given the chance.
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Old 06-09-2016, 16:49   #32
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by svtatoosh View Post
Eagles Quest @ Cambridge Bay about a week ago. There has been tension.
A FB Search will bring up a public site for "Eagles Quest ll - Arctic Expedition"
There are also photos of other yachts completing the NWP on the Facebook page.
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Old 11-09-2016, 10:43   #33
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Northabout has cleared Bellot Strait, and is headed for Prince Regent where some ice is reported.

We’re through the Bellot Strait! It’s an almost completely straight passage between two islands lasting eighteen miles and cutting a huge section off the journey. It almost always has ice in it but as we went through today it was completely clear. It’s odd, hundreds of people died trying to find the North West Passage. Caught by ice and storms they either froze or were shipwrecked. And we went through seeing a grand total of seven small floating ice chunks. If I hadn’t already been through the North East Passage I might wonder what all the fuss was about. A grim testament to greenhouse gasses.
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Old 12-09-2016, 18:05   #34
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

The Polar Ocean Challenge successfully completed their quest to sail the North East Passage and North West Passage in one season. The North West Passage was completed in an astonishing 14 days due to the fact that it was almost totally ice free. They encountered ice only twice in their 1800 mile NW Passage part of the voyage. This highlights an extraordinary loss of sea ice in the Arctic in the 30 years that David Hempleman-Adams has been coming to the area. He said, ‘ whilst we are all delighted to have succeeded, it is extremely worrying to see this lack of ice so starkly ‘ The objective of the expedition was to raise awareness of the change in the fragile climate in the Arctic. They left Lancaster Sound at the end of the NW Passage at 19.18 UTC on 12th September and are headed for Greenland.
Home - The Polar Ocean Challenge
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Old 13-09-2016, 06:03   #35
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Its funny how they smuggle in global warming fiction to an otherwise good trip. The trip has been made before, and the arctic has been ice free before.
What's with people and fearmongering? Must they keep spouting global warming myths in an effort to raise money for their own foolish endeavours?
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Old 13-09-2016, 06:54   #36
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by sailnow2011 View Post
Its funny how they smuggle in global warming fiction to an otherwise good trip. The trip has been made before, and the arctic has been ice free before.
What's with people and fearmongering? Must they keep spouting global warming myths in an effort to raise money for their own foolish endeavours?
Please name one other vessel that has transited the NSR and the NWP in a single season.

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Old 13-09-2016, 07:21   #37
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by sailnow2011 View Post
Its funny how they smuggle in global warming fiction to an otherwise good trip. The trip has been made before, and the arctic has been ice free before.
What's with people and fearmongering? Must they keep spouting global warming myths in an effort to raise money for their own foolish endeavours?

The first three paragraphs from the 'Objectives' section of the Polar Ocean Challanges' website:

"On June 19th 2016, we left Bristol in our boat Northabout to circumnavigate the North Pole anticlockwise. By doing this we will be demonstrating that the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was permanently locked up now can allow passage through.

Permanent irreversible change in the sea ice landscape of the Arctic seems inevitable. This will / is already having global economic political, social and environmental implications. A significant change in my lifetime.

I see this possibility to circumnavigate the Arctic as one I wanted to take despite the risks associated with it in order to increase the worlds attention on the effects of Arctic climate change. There may be a possibility still to curb this progressive warming and melting in the Arctic. But even if this is not possible the next most important thing is to at the very least highlight the need to ‘Navigate the Future of the Arctic responsibly’. Shipping will pass through very soon, the lives of people living in the normally year round ice bound communities, well, their lives will change drastically. As are the habitats of walruses, whales, seals, polar bears, the whole ecosystems within the sea. We can try to have an impact in trying to make sure that this change is handled carefully, sustainably, responsibly. I believe that all of us, we can all be part of that conversation."

Hardly 'smuggling in global warming fiction'; quite the opposite, the point was/is to bring attention to the problem.

What would be funny, if the consequences weren't so dire, is how uninformed, ignorant people think they're can be taken seriously when any
cursory look at the problem, and understanding of its' reality, is so easily obtained.

Funny how these people use (and apparently trust) the science that tells them that 'the arctic has been ice free before', but when the same science tells them something they don't like, the science becomes 'global warming myths'.

Of course there're a host of other 'myths' and 'crackpot theories'
that these 'armchair pseudo-scientific skeptics' like to kick around:

The moon landing
Non-spheroidal Earth
Biological Evolution
The Big Bang

Care to add any to the list?
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Old 13-09-2016, 07:29   #38
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by jimbunyard View Post
Funny how these people use (and apparently trust) the science that tells them that 'the arctic has been ice free before', but when the same science tells them something they don't like, the science becomes 'global warming myths'.

Of course there're a host of other 'myths' and 'crackpot theories'
that these 'armchair pseudo-scientific skeptics' like to kick around:

The moon landing
Non-spheroidal Earth
Biological Evolution
The Big Bang

Care to add any to the list?
Quantum mechanics?
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Old 13-09-2016, 16:19   #39
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by jimbunyard View Post
Hardly 'smuggling in global warming fiction'; quite the opposite, the point was/is to bring attention to the problem.
The problem of people sailing? Oh, you think a lack of ice in a la nina year is a big deal, I see now how that could look bad to someone who does not understand that there are Viking villages under the ice in Greenland. Has it been ice free before? Yes. There is no warming problem, just as there is no human caused warming problem.
What would be funny, if the consequences weren't so dire,
Dire consequences? Of what, a slightly warmer earth? You mean less people dying, longer food growing seasons, or the natural release of CO2 that plants crave? I don't see your "dire consequences" anywhere.

is how uninformed, ignorant people think they're can be taken seriously when any
cursory look at the problem, and understanding of its' reality, is so easily obtained.
The science is so far just theories, and no concrete proof.

Funny how these people use (and apparently trust) the science that tells them that 'the arctic has been ice free before', but when the same science tells them something they don't like, the science becomes 'global warming myths'.

Of course there're a host of other 'myths' and 'crackpot theories'
that these 'armchair pseudo-scientific skeptics' like to kick around:

The moon landing
Non-spheroidal Earth
Biological Evolution
The Big Bang

Care to add any to the list?
Your saying a round earth is a myth? Because the big bang is pure speculation, and is not the leading theory it once was. Science is far from settled on many things, global warming, and the creation of the universe are two of many that elude them.
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Old 13-09-2016, 16:40   #40
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by sailnow2011 View Post
The problem of people sailing? Oh, you think a lack of ice in a la nina year is a big deal, I see now how that could look bad to someone who does not understand that there are Viking villages under the ice in Greenland. Has it been ice free before? Yes. There is no warming problem, just as there is no human caused warming problem.

Dire consequences? Of what, a slightly warmer earth? You mean less people dying, longer food growing seasons, or the natural release of CO2 that plants crave? I don't see your "dire consequences" anywhere.

The science is so far just theories, and no concrete proof.

The Greenland ice sheet of over 100,000 years old. he three Viking settlements were confined to the SW portion of Greenland.

In the course of a 17-year experiment on more than 1 million plants, scientists put future global warming to a real world test – growing California flowers and grasslands with extra heat, carbon dioxide and nitrogen to mimic a not-so-distant, hotter future.

The results, simulating a post-2050 world, aren’t pretty. And they contradict those who insist that because plants like carbon dioxide – the main heat-trapping gas spewed by the burning of fossil fuels – climate change isn’t so bad, and will result in a greener Earth.

At least in the California ecosystem, the plants that received extra carbon dioxide, as well as those that got extra warmth, didn’t grow more or get greener. They also didn’t remove the pollution and store more of it in the soil, said study author Chris Field, director of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. Plant growth tended to decline with rising temperatures."

Gravity is also a theory - actually two quite different ones.
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Old 13-09-2016, 17:47   #41
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by jackdale View Post
The Greenland ice sheet of over 100,000 years old. he three Viking settlements were confined to the SW portion of Greenland.

Gravity is also a theory - actually two quite different ones.

That 17 year experiment is hardly the begining of such research. Far too many variables, and the study was just finished. Peer review has only started. Right now its a news blurb.

Gravity is observed, and can be tested, unlike big bangs and something from nothing.
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Old 13-09-2016, 20:09   #42
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by sailnow2011 View Post
That 17 year experiment is hardly the begining of such research. Far too many variables, and the study was just finished. Peer review has only started. Right now its a news blurb.

Gravity is observed, and can be tested, unlike big bangs and something from nothing.
Has passed peer review and is published in PNAS

To which theory of gravity do you subscribe?
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Old 13-09-2016, 23:51   #43
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Originally Posted by sailnow2011 View Post
The problem of people sailing? Oh, you think a lack of ice in a la nina year is a big deal, I see now how that could look bad to someone who does not understand that there are Viking villages under the ice in Greenland. Has it been ice free before? Yes. There is no warming problem, just as there is no human caused warming problem.

Dire consequences? Of what, a slightly warmer earth? You mean less people dying, longer food growing seasons, or the natural release of CO2 that plants crave? I don't see your "dire consequences" anywhere.

The science is so far just theories, and no concrete proof.

Your saying a round earth is a myth? Because the big bang is pure speculation, and is not the leading theory it once was. Science is far from settled on many things, global warming, and the creation of the universe are two of many that elude them.

You re-make my (secondary) point for me:

"What would be funny, if the consequences weren't so dire, is how uninformed, ignorant people think they're can be taken seriously when any
cursory look at the problem, and understanding of its' reality, is so easily obtained."

That you don't understand something, its' causes, or its' effects, has absolutely no bearing on its', or their, validity.

I will not go into the endless rehashing of the scientific evidence (not proofs) that support the theory behind MMGW, nor will I do your homework for you. That has been done, ad nauseam, on several other threads; the futility of arguing with knuckle-heads has mostly outlived its' novelty and the educational (for me) aspect...

And to restate the first, more important point:

Your statement;

"Its funny how they smuggle in global warming fiction to an otherwise good trip. The trip has been made before, and the arctic has been ice free before.
What's with people and fearmongering? Must they keep spouting global warming myths in an effort to raise money for their own foolish endeavours?"

implies that 'they' made the trip for some reason other than to bring attention to MMGW, thereby demonstrating either your lack of knowledge (ignorance) about the project, and/or an attempt to mislead or miseducate others by a (deliberate?, or just 'blissful'?) misrepresentation of the project.

Interesting how your own original post contradicts itself

" otherwise good trip....their own foolish endeavours?"

So which is it? (that's a rhetorical question)
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Old 14-09-2016, 00:29   #44
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Another Climate Change thread. Here we go again.

I bet this one gets closed sooner than the other two

Don't mind me standing in the corner watching the show
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Old 14-09-2016, 05:17   #45
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Re: Northwest Passage - 2016

Rescuers Reach Russian Meteorologists Trapped by Polar Bears | NBC News

The polar bears had eaten the meteorologists' guard dog, and the meteorologists were afraid to leave their building. Normally the bears wouldn't be on the island in the summer, but were there because unusually early sea ice melt had trapped them.


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