Snap! I am delivering a yacht La Coruna to James Watt
Dock for an owner. It has been in NW
Spain for the past 4 weeks waiting for a suitable
weather window. If you are still in Vigo then miss La Coruna, because this is one of the most difficult and well known
ports to leave when the winds blow in an opposite direction in a micro scenario. Professionally I also
route yachts. As you are going up into the Irish Sea and to keep out of the main
shipping between NW Spain and Ushant , look to
head out to 10 degrees West.
I will be looking at my Gribs from next week and then travel down from Fife. I also have a
delivery from the
Baltic to the Solent in September. Generally this works well when the window of opportunity for going North is blocked, its good to come down the southern North Sea.
Fair winds and I hope that my insight will assist you.