Originally Posted by CaptainRivet
my advice would be do a facetime or whatsup video call, talk about your expectation, talk about what happens when things go wrong (eg make an example and see whats happening). ALso the captain should show you the boat, photos tell nothing but a little indication but a video shows the reality. Don't tell him upfront you wanna have a boat tour and ask him spontaneosly. Like this you have a real picture if there is a choas like after bomb attack or if its clean like a surgery room. both tell you a lot about the captain and how daily life is on board.
And listen to your gut...does it feal good, then just do it. Don't overanalyze things.
Also have your own offshore lifevest as this is quite a personal item and the guest ones on boats are mostly not good and out of date.
When I hire crew I tell them to have their own lifevest and sign that its serviced, valid and they have worn it couple of days so the I know it fits welll. If your life vest is unconfortable, its a pita on long passsages and you tend to not put it on or suffer which has a mayor impact on your mood.
Captain Rivet - Thanks so much for the additional ideas and input - I was thinking about a video call with the people involved and you've confirmed my view that that would be good, as well as added to it with the idea of a spontaneous tour of the boat.
The words regarding a life-vest are also appreciated. Any recommendations on brands / models,
price points, etc?