Zai and others are very correct but besides whether or not a person can enter, there is this little troublesome issue.
The departure and arrival of all types of amateur craft, private pleasure ships and professional tourist ships, regardless of flag, shall be prohibited.
Such ships and vessels may be moved in the following cases:
Emergency and force majeure relating to mechanical damage, damage,
government and other relevant cases, strictly necessary, related to maritime
safety and the protection of the
marine environment;
(b) frontiers and test vessels, in accordance with the relevant provisions and orders of the relevant Port Authorities;
(c) supply of
water and supplies to ships and vessels;
(d) arms to/from shipyards for
repair and other related
work. At the end of the above operations, departures shall be permitted for an individual passenger gap, either at the port of
docking of the ship or at another port of wish of that Master,
(e) serving exclusively purposes related to the
security of critical energy infrastructures in the country. This case concerns only
commercial pleasure ships of L. 4256/2014 (A' 92).
In the event of non-compliance with the measures:
Non-compliance with sanitary measures relating to private and
commercial pleasure craft, as well as to professional tourist days (a) passengers and crew members an administrative fine of EUR 300(300), (b) to shipowners or shipowners or ship managers, as well as masters or masters, an administrative fine of EUR 5 000 (5,000).
GG/5486 B/12.12.2020