Lots of Big ship traffic between Socotra and 8 Deg channel. You'll get to know all about Intertropical Convergence Zone (ICZ). Closer to coast its lots of
Fishing nets and Fisherman, better to gets some packs ready to
trade with Fisherman, they may
trade you good
fish (Skipjack is not good). I heard of a trip maybe 12 Months ago where a vessel was trucked from Jordan Aqaba to UAE (About US$13000, I think). She was scared of Pirates so didn't do it, he with ugly crew stuck to the coast and pulled into
India. I've done it on ships and one yacht but back in 2008. Don't think there has been much of pirate activity lately. At some point critical mass will determine it is safe, before that, how brave are you.
I'm boatless, I'd consider doing it as crew, so would others, I don't believe the Somalis are the likely
danger in that part of world now.