Prices in Hurghada for a 44 foot cat.
Dear Mr. Utne,
Greetings from Hurghada Marina and thank you for your enquiry, we offer a special discounted rate for visiting sailing yachts up to 16 m which is 300 US$ per month or 24 US$ per day, these prices may change in 2016 so you should contact us again in 2016 to reconfirm the marina
fees, as for the visa extension you get a 3 months visa from Hurghada visa office
Water is charged at 5 US$ per Ton, electricity is charged at 0.20 US$ per KWh, all prices are subject to 10%
government sales tax
Kind Regards,
Sherif N Sami
Harbor Master
Hurghada Marina
Tel: (002) 065 344 5234
Fax: (002) 065 344 5234
Mobile: (002) 0122 185 6363
27°13'.460 N-33°50'.70 E
VHF: 74