We have been passing there recently and one thing, stop the 'significant piracy in perspection' BS! In the last 4 months, 12
boats have been attacked and as we speek there is a couple of a german
boat held hostage in
Than the good thing, we made it and so do most of the yachts. Sail to Oman, salalah and from there take the
route Mukallah and Aden in Yemen. Both Oman and Yemen have Coast Guard on CH 16 and they are listening most of the time. Stay close to the yemenite coast (anywhere between 8 to 10 NM)and travel together with other yachts that you find in either one of these
ports (there is always a few waiting). At night, dont light up to brightly.
In Aden, stock up with all you can get on
fuel and
food as this is the last time untill Sudan (Suhakin) for
fuel that is. Don't mis out on Massawa (Eritrea) and visit Asmara. Be careful with the
reefs and look for decent maps and plotter.
Winds are generally SE going into the red sea up to the conversion zone around Massawa. Sometimes more N sometimes more S. From there on it is on the nose. And mostly hard but you'll make it.
Don't rush, take your time in the red sea and wait for the best wheater window. Basicly, when the
wind drops, Go!
Look t
Alondra Sailing || Sailing in Style for some pics and more info.
Good Luck and have FUN!! And when it is all behind you? Buy a t-shirt with 'I did the Red Sea... and made it!'