Just got email and radio messages on cyclone lam nth of Darwin has just been up graded to cat 4. We are holed up in king George gorge and winds have been hitting 35 knots and we are some 200 miles sth west of it but it's starting to get crowded in here with two large Australian custom boats who arrived about and hour ago they have said they won't be leaving until Sunday
The falls above you will be fantastic after the blow.
Should blow itself out if it goes onshore although they have been known to move over land a bit. Its in Gulf and you have the whole of NT between it and King George. Sounds as if you are in the best spot.
Yes we are tucked in but the bloody red dust is every where and know they have dropped both the captain of Affura sea has said it will hit its peak buy late Thursday nite Friday morning he said we will see winds up to 50knots in the gorge