Will be joining friends in Puerto Barillas, El Salvador to sail to Puerto Chiapas,
Mexico. Have been looking into how to get back to yankeeland from Puerto Chiapas, and the options appear to be thin and/or expensive. What I've found so far:
1. Bus to Tapachulas and fly out from there: mucho expensive;
2. Same #1, then bus to Tuxla, fly out from there: long ride, costly flight;
3. Same as #1, then bus to border, cross bridge, new bus to
Guatemala: 7+ hour road trip, but v. reasonable airfare.
So my questions:
a. am I missing something in the way of options?
b. is one of the options less daunting than I think?
c. or is this just The Middle of Nowhere and I oughta suck it up and get used to it?
Enquiring minds & all that ...