Hi folks...
I have a facilities problem, though at first glance my
current digs look idyllic: 11 acres on an island with a
solar house and 3,000 square-foot lab... you can read more about it
It's all very nice, I suppose, but the catch is that there is no place on Camano Island to park a
boat... there's not even a
mooring field with
legal overnight parking, much less a marina. I've been keeping
Nomadness across Saratoga
Passage and the
price is good compared to, say, the lunatic rates at Cap Sante... but it's also a 3-hour round trip in the best of conditions.
Time is passing fast and projects are being limited by logistical issues. I'm building a mobile lab in a 24-foot Wells Cargo
trailer and that will help, but what I really need is to combine moorage and workspace... then rent or sell my
current facilities to pay for it.
I'm not keen on
buying another house; the real-estate dance eats up a year of life and I'm not at all interested in such permanence anyway. What I want is a secure 50-foot slip where I have the option of staying aboard much of the time, nearby shop space in the 1K-3K square foot range, and (ideally) integrated living space. If I could pick up my current facilities and plop them down somewhere better suited to
boat ownership, that would be perfect...
Thought it might be worth a post here; I bet such a thing exists somewhere but just doesn't show up in random Googlage. Location can be anywhere from Olympia (my gf would love that, since it's her old stomping grounds) to Port Townsend (
I'd love that, given the boat culture)... or anywhere else in these northwest US waters, really, as long as it's not urban.