Hi Jimthom.
Here is a list of the better spots to
anchor. There are no marina type facilities for the cruising yachties. Some corrupt ( Sorry gaming the system) officials in Alotau and anything in reach of a canoe is fair
game at some villages. Newspaper,
fish hooks, sugar,rice, flour and
cooking oil will be handy for
trade. Samarai may refer you to Alotau for Quarantine clearance. Have classified them with
safety, comfort and accessability in mind 1 to 5 bad to good.
3 Kwato mission channel.
3 Samarai
2 Possession Bay ( beware of the pearl farm )
5 Kana Kopi ( the best anchorage in PNG ) Much WW2 debris.
4 Alotau ( anchor off the war memorial )
4 Wagga Wagga
1 East Cape (off the nthn side if you have to )
5 Sewa Bay
2 Obsevation Island ( feel your way right in )
5 Bedoya. Geothermal activity
3 Esa-ala.
3 Sebatuia bay
3 Basima ( open to the SE winds )
4 Wadelai
3 Wawiwa - Yabwai channel. (About the only good anchorage in the Amphlet group )
2 Boli Point ( Kiriwina Island )
5 Losuia. Narrow channel with 2 m water at high tide sandy bottom )
4 Kuyawa Island
3 Munuwata Island
5 Labi Island. ( The epitome of south sea islands )
4 Kaduaga
5 Bomatu
3 Kitava Island
3 Egum attol
3 Alcester Island
5 Guasopa ( Eastern end of Woodlark ) WW2 air strips with scrapped aircraft in the bush.
5 Budi Budi.
If you would like more detail feel free to ask.
Phone, SMS,