We loved
Papua New Guinea when we visited there in 1994/95. We spent seven months in PNG and the Solomon Islands and could have stayed much, much longer.
There are caveats. The mainland of PNG can be somewhat dangerous in places, and you need to find
current information regarding the good and bad places to be. However, the small villages are generally delightful, and the people are wonderful. Be sure that you bring plenty of
trade items. If you are in
Australia first, go to the local St. Vincent De Paul's ("St. Vinnies") or Salvation Army ("Salvos") thrift stores and buy children's clothes -
school uniform dresses for girls, t-shirts and pants for boys. They will appreciate your old linens, clothes, shoes, and
electronics. Their
children, however, are their most important asset and whatever you bring for the
children will be appreciated. Also, old reading glasses. My favorite, and the biggest hit everywhere we went, was balloons.
Medical supplies should be limited to those items that will "do no harm" as most places do not have trained
medical practicioners to guide the villagers. Be careful, and understand that they will not recognize that a rash they develop from something they got from you might be a serious allergy.
Also be aware that malaria is a geniune risk, and be prepared. Read up on it so you are as educated as you can possibly be.
logs have some info, including my (admittedly sketchy) PNG cruising guide,
Papua New Guinea cruising and sailing guide and information.
I'd suggest that you read the
logs of our trip through PNG first,
Sailing and cruising in Papua New Guinea. which will give you more ideas about the
trade items that are appreciated.
fair winds, and enjoy.