Originally Posted by John A
Without checking rates you say its not affordable? By whose standards? What the heck is the fuzzy logic behind that?
Have you firsthand knowledge, or do you make this judgments from your desk in Philadelphia?
Of course one should investigate options.
The OP's question was about haulouts on the Pacific side of Central America.
Please excuse the observations from someone who has been there.
Well John, as it turns out, you are not the only person to have cruised in El Salvador. I transited the
Panama Canal last May (Caribbean to Pacific) and like the OP, I was looking for a place the haul and store my boat on the Pacific side of Central America. As I spent 4 months cruising up Central America looking into possible places to leave my boat, I felt I had something to offer the OP, but next time I’ll seek your permission before
posting. Here is what I found while cruising form Panama-El Salvador:
• Panama: some haul out facilities around Panama City. Limited storage space. Very expensive. Shelter Bay (Caribbean side across from Colon) was a better option for longterm land storage.
Costa Rica: Very expensive. Need to import boat over 3mo stay.
Nicaragua: No haul and storage facilities.
San Juan Del Sur’s ancient crane broke, with not plans to fix it.
Renting a crane from Managua only option. $$$$
• El Salvador: Barillas can haul, I never got a solid answer, but don’t think they’ll do long term storage. I left my boat in Bahia Del Sol on a
mooring ball for 3+ months. (cheap)
• Mexico: I only looked into Chiapas. Which is a new marina, but didn’t yet have their travel lift as of last fall.
FYI John- I’m anchored on a beautiful river on the Pacific side of Panama, readying my boat for a Pacific crossing. However I hope you are enjoying your day “from your desk” wherever that may be……