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Old 29-10-2010, 16:51   #1
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Talking Down Under Worries

Hi All!

I am new to this board and new to sailing... so be gentle LOL

My husband and I just bought a 36' ferro Samson C-Shell and we are remodeling it on land until it's shipshape

Though we have yet to sail her anywhere, two of the places we have really been looking forward to visiting are New Zealand and Australia.
I noticed that a lot of the posts here are from that region so I thought I'd go a head and ask some questions.

I recently read that you will get any canned goods and food stores confiscated when you reach New Zealand shores, and that dogs are not welcome. I also heard this is true for Australia. This is troubling to me as we have been stocking up and canning our own food in hopes of keeping it for overseas voyages. Also, we have at least one dog that we are planning on bringing with us in our travels.
I wondered if this is true (the book I read was somewhat old) and if you guys had any advice in this area.

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Old 29-10-2010, 17:12   #2
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Your dog is not welcome.

It could cost you many thousands of dollars to bring him in.

NZ is an island with an extremely fragile native animal population that is close to extinction due to feral animals introduced from other parts of the world.

Similarly improper foods can also devastate NZ and Australia.

The reason why so many want to visit is that they are beautiful and different countries.... its up to all of us to respect that and do our best to help

We all hate the Japanese killing beautiful whales, and so we must make sure we ourselves don't kill beautiful flora and fauna

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Old 29-10-2010, 17:53   #3
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G'day, Mate. Here is the website to get you started for bringing goods and animals into New Zealand:

Dogs and cats are routinely brought into N.Z. There is a strict quarantine process. You should be able to work with MAF to get the current requirements to minimize the process upon your arrival. Not every customs port have quarantine facilities for animals.

As for canned goods in N.Z., you should also be able to work with MAF up front to get the exact requirements. Not all canned goods are rejected. We just brought in canned thimbleberry jam that we produced ourselves and had no issues at all. I'm sure they will take a close look at any meat and dairy.

Hope that helps to get you started. All the best. Cheers.
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Old 29-10-2010, 18:22   #4
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Where are you from?

How difficult it is to have a dog on a yacht visiting Australia or New Zealand depends on where you are from. Rabies is the main worry, but other diseases are also controlled.

You may care to have a look at the New Zealand requirements here, and the Australian requirements here.

Please don't have any illusions about how seriously this is taken by the authorities in Australia and New Zealand. Quarantine officers in both countries are trained and experienced professionals who will protect their countries' disease free status ruthlessly.

I'd also suggest finding out the quarantine regulation in every country that you are considering visiting and consider if you would like your dog to be treated this way. I am not aware of any country that allows dogs without restriction, including Hawaii.

Something as innocent as allowing your dog a run on a deserted beach would be managed considering the catastrophic consequences this act could have.
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Old 29-10-2010, 18:36   #5
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Originally Posted by matauwhi View Post
G'day, Mate. Here is the website to get you started for bringing goods and animals into New Zealand:
...All the best. Cheers.
Thanks for the link! Very helpful. It seems that food for private consumption is fine but they frown on selling canned goods (though if you have a lot they may suspect you of selling it).

Sad about my dogs though, quarantine for 30 days then they get clearance seems harsh but I guess it's understandable.
Or they can be quarantined in a kennel for less than 30 days until your boat leaves.
However they can stay aboard the boat if we are only going to stay a few days. (with inspections)

Is Australia as strict I wonder?
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Old 29-10-2010, 19:13   #6
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Is Australia as strict I wonder?

Usually Yes.
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Old 30-10-2010, 02:49   #7
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PLease don't neglect to research the costs involved. They can be many thousands and wont be less than a few thousand dollars to take a dog to Australia.

The quarantine man when we arrived in Sydney was chatting to us and said that all dog do-do must be collected daily and disposed of properly - by a Quarantine officer!! Guess who gets to pay for the service?

So just check.

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Old 30-10-2010, 04:07   #8
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Hi, for Australia you can check the AQIS website for all import conditions. The data base is called ICON. It details all the conditions to be met for import. Hope this helps, cheers Rob
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Old 30-10-2010, 04:23   #9
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Accommodation of a dog
Daily rate for the first dog
Theres a full list of charges, but better, there is an example of the way the charges work


A dog that is eligible for minimum Australian quarantine period of 30 days will cost approximately AUD$1305.
Fees for government animal quarantine stations for cats and dogs - DAFF
Note: The Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) commonly known as the Pet Passport Scheme, does not apply to cats and dogs being imported or returning to Australia.

With AQIS approval, your cat or dog must then meet the AQIS import conditions for the highest risk country that he/she has visited in the six months prior to import into Australia.
If you have been to Tonga, for example, in the previous 6 months then the dog must be quaranitined for 60 days, not 30 days... so the $1305 is = $2475

Add it all to the bill to clear you and the boat in.... its all getting rediculosly high...
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Old 30-10-2010, 04:27   #10
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Originally Posted by LyrialZander View Post
Sad about my dogs though, quarantine for 30 days then they get clearance seems harsh
Try bringing them into the UK then where the quarantine period is SIX MONTHS unless you've spent the money on a pet passport scheme and are arriving from an approved country on an approved method of transport.
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Old 30-10-2010, 10:48   #11
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Try bringing them into the UK then where the quarantine period is SIX MONTHS unless you've spent the money on a pet passport scheme and are arriving from an approved country on an approved method of transport.
This is something that's overlooked the pet passport scheme is no good for arrival by yachts.

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Old 30-10-2010, 11:58   #12
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The quarantine is only related to pets being imported into Australia. There is a different section dedicated to pets on boats Ship's pets arriving in Australia onboard international vessels - DAFF

It sounds like it is best just leaving pets at home. It probably does not matter where you travel in the world, they will be a hassle.

I suppose if you get a trained dolphin, then it will be easy but just don't go near Japan
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Old 30-10-2010, 19:06   #13
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Originally Posted by LyrialZander View Post
Hi All!

I am new to this board and new to sailing... so be gentle LOL

My husband and I just bought a 36' ferro Samson C-Shell and we are remodeling it on land until it's shipshape

Though we have yet to sail her anywhere, two of the places we have really been looking forward to visiting are New Zealand and Australia.
I noticed that a lot of the posts here are from that region so I thought I'd go a head and ask some questions.

I recently read that you will get any canned goods and food stores confiscated when you reach New Zealand shores, and that dogs are not welcome. I also heard this is true for Australia. This is troubling to me as we have been stocking up and canning our own food in hopes of keeping it for overseas voyages. Also, we have at least one dog that we are planning on bringing with us in our travels.
I wondered if this is true (the book I read was somewhat old) and if you guys had any advice in this area.

AQUIS will ask you to declare fresh foods and you will most likely have to have them destroyed. Canned should be ok.

Australias fauna is unique and quarantine on animals is serious. As Oz has no foot and mouth, Mad cow, or rabies, live animals are quarantined for a reasonably long period to protect local animals.

There are some silly trading laws between NZ and OZ. When i delivered a yacht to NZ ten years ago they confiscated the Honey we had on board. Honey is antiseptic and cant hurt anyone. But it turns out it was due to some silly trade dispute we had with NZ. (probably cos we beat them in footy that year).

At the same time the confiscated a rather large seed that the owner had found on a beach in the whitsundays. Obviously, they didnt want foreign plants germinating on home soil. the seed was subsequently steralised and the owner allowed to keep it as a souvenier.

Its all pretty simple. If a product or animal can do any damage, it shouldnt be there.

Having said all that. NZ customs were great people. Not bereaucrats. And explained what why and how at each step. I wouldnt let it deter you.

The Oz customs people are the same these days. Just declare what you are unsure about and they will let you know. If you try to hide things and they find it, you get fined. But be open with them and they are pretty cool.

Declaring it, doesnt mean it gets taken by them. It just makes it easier for them to inspect.

What can't I take into Australia? - DAFF
That page has a list of stuff. I have brough some of those items in without a problem. nuts, buscuits, confectionary, wooden items, grass items, bamboo , airline food (bread roll).

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Old 30-10-2010, 21:53   #14
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It sounds like it is best just leaving pets at home. It probably does not matter where you travel in the world, they will be a hassle.

Yeah I figured it would be somewhat of a hassle, but you see our yacht will be our home... so there will be no where else to leave her. Looks like we will be cruising near The States for quite a while.
I still look forward to world travel eventually, and I am glad to hear that the canned goods are not in as much danger as I had read.

Thanks for all the great advice
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Old 30-10-2010, 23:08   #15
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On the other hand, if you can the pets........
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